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Story of a responsible muslim

Story of a responsible muslim

True Story | help each other 

An amazing thing happend masha'Allah. 

I was waiting for my train, when, subhan Allah, I saw an old lady on the other side of the station with two big pieces of luggage. Poor lady- she looked at the stairs and she felt helpless. I looked at my watch and only 5 minutes were left for the train to arrive.

I didn't want to miss the London train because I had to attend a meeting and the jummu'ah prayer. I realised that I needed to help her because nobody else wanted to help her, so I ran so fast that I don't know where that energy came from, and I even forgot my pain in my both arms. When I arrived, I told her, 'Don't worry. I am here to help you'. She replied, 'Son- you are going to miss your train!' I replied, 'Auntie you come first'.

SubhanAllah she had tears of gratefulness in her eyes, and she kept saying, 'God bless You'. In a hurry I transferred her luggage to other side of the station.

Subhanaallah I didn't notice that other people were watching me. What I did by taking the risk of missing the train with painful arms was noticed by some non muslims and they kindly made the train wait until I got on- Allahuakbar. It was a test from Allah- and He makes the right action possible- Alhamdulillah!

The non Muslims were saying to me, 'Well done'. They asked me, why did you take that risk? I replied that as human beings, we have to help each other. Then I mentioned briefly what Allah says in the Qur'an and what prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said to encourage us to help those in need.

Allahuakbar- sometimes you do something, you don't realise that others are watching you and that you can have a big positive impact that affects their lives. May Allah give us more opporunities to do good ameen.


#Momin #muslimyouth #Dawah #TrueStory


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