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Embracing Difficult Emotions: A Path to Healing and Freedom

Facing Fear, Grief, and Sadness: A Journey to Emotional Healing

When facing difficult emotions of fear, grief, or sadness, sit with those feelings and hold space for them. Acknowledge them. Don't step around them just because they're uncomfortable. The more we push them away, the longer they remain a roadblock. But the minute we sit with them, as hard 
as it is in the moment, the faster they pass through.

Think of a cloud in an airplane ride. You ride through the turbulence and the cloud eventually passes. Had we not worked through the cloud, it would have remained.
The next time those heavy feelings come, work through them. Cry, feel, and give yourself permission to hold them. On the other end of that space is your relief and your freedom.

This is a hard lesson we learn .
But I think we all need it for so many aspects in our life, be it pain, grief, longing, regret, and so much more.šŸ¤

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