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Friday is a very important day for muslims

Friday is a very important day for muslims

Importance of Friday:

Friday is avery important day for Muslims. It is more significant and more beneficial than any other day of the week. 

It is the day that Muslims gather together to pray in congregation. 

Directly before the prayer they listen to a lecture designed to empower them with valuable knowledge about God, and the religion of Islam. 

It is a blessed day that has been designated as such by God, Almighty; no other day of the week shares its virtues. “O you who believe! When the call to prayer is proclaimed on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of God, and leave aside business. 

That is best for you if you but knew.” (Quran 62:9)

Friday is also the day on which one of the greatest verses in the Quran was revealed. 

“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen Islam as your religion.” (Quran 5:3)

#Friday #importance #Quran


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