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Knowledge of the unseen is something which is exclusive and restricted to Allah

Knowledge of the unseen is something which is exclusive and restricted to Allāh

Knowledge of Ghaib | ilm ul Gaib:

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Issuing Verdicts said:

“[All matters pertaining to] Knowledge of the unseen is something which is exclusive and restricted to Allāh, Exalted be He. Therefore, none among His creation, including Jinn or anyone else, has any knowledge of it, except what Allāh reveals to whomsoever He wills, from among His Angels or His Messengers.”

Fatāwa Lajnah ad-Dā’imah, 1/346

Translation: Authentic Quotes

قال علماء اللجنة الدائمة للإفتاء:

علم المغيبات من اختصاص الله تعالى فلا يعلمها أحد من خلقه، لا جني ولا غيره، إلا ما أوحى الله به إلى من شاء من ملائكته أو رسله 

فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة 1 /346

#Ghaib #Knowledge #Allah


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