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there is no life worth living except the life of the Hereafter

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "O Allah, there is no life worth living except the life of the Hereafter.” 

(Bukhari 6413)

If you analyze the way most of us life our lives, it is as if this “short” life is everything and as if there is no hereafter.  


1⃣ The way we don’t miss a chance to earn more, with overtime being paid at twice the hourly rate and weekends are paid even more - leaving little time to gain knowledge and for implementation 

2⃣ The way we care so much about what people think and care little about the way Allah sees us

3⃣ The way we do not miss an opportunity to enjoy ourselves

4⃣ The way we are so slow in doing good deeds and very fast towards time-wasting activities or those that are haraam

5⃣ The way we care so much about our home in this world and are careless about the long stay we will have in the grave, all alone

Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy upon him) said regarding the above hadith that it is as if the Prophet (ﷺ) is telling us that this life, which we all strive for, is worthless. And the life which we are too busy to prepare for (i.e. life after death) is the real and everlasting life.  

Now you know why most people are in real loss.

 #Reminder #Aakhirah #Hadith


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