Understand the Tawheed before the knowledge of all acts of worship
Importance of Tawheed:
Imām Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhāb (رحمه الله) said:
( فاهمّ أن عليك معرفة التوحيد قبل معرفة العبادات كلّها ؛حتى الصلاة؛ ومعرفة الشرك قبل معرفة الزنا وغيره من المحرمات؛ إذا علمت أن الله لم يخلقك إلا لذلك؛ ومن الفرائض اللازمة تعليمك إياه لأهل بيتك؛ومن تحت يدك)ا
❝Understand that the knowledge of Tawheed is obligatory upon you before the knowledge of all other acts of worship, even of prayer; And similarly the knowledge of Shirk before the knowledge of fornication and other sins; when you know that Allah has not created you except for that purpose (Tawheed). And from among the mandatory obligations is teaching that knowledge to your household and those under your care❞
📚Ad-Durar al-Saniyyah (1/107)
#Tawheed #MuhammadBinAbdulWahab #IslamicKnowledge
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