Women are the nurturers fosterers, rearers, educators, and cultivators for the men
Sheikh Sāleh al-Fawzān حفظه الله said:
النساء حواضن الرجال وقواعد البيوت،
“Women are the nurturers fosterers, rearers, educators, and cultivators for the men [for that which they produce with them (i.e., the children)], and the foundation of the homes.
فإن فسدت الحواضن فسد المجتمع كله.
So if women are corrupted, then society in its entirety will be corrupted.
كما قال الشاعر:
As the poet said,
الأم مدرسة، إذا أعددتها أعددت شعبًا طيب الأعراق.
The mother is a school; if you have prepared her, then you have prepared generations of people possessing integrity and uprightness.”
[التعليق القويم على كتاب اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم (٢٤٠/١)]
#Women #Islam #WomenRights #WomenEducation
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