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A husband might be jealous over his wife that people speak about her and say

A husband might be jealous of his wife that people speak about her and say

Muslim Husband Wife

Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله said,

والزوج قد يغار من أن يتحدث الناس عن زوجته فيقولون:

“A husband might be jealous of his wife that people speak about her and say,

ما أجمل زوجة فلان أو ما أقبح زوجة فلان،

‘How beautiful is so and so’s wife’ or ‘How ugly is so and so’s wife',

ولا يرضى أحد أن تكون زوجته محلًا للحديث في المجالس يتحدثون في قبحها إن كانت قبيحة في نظرهم،

and no one would be pleased with his wife being a topic to be discussed in gatherings; people speaking about her ugliness if she was ugly in their view,

أو عن جمالها إن كانت جميلة في نظرهم،

or her beauty if she was beautiful in their view.

وهذه أيضا من الحكم التي تكون في ستر الوجه أن الإنسان يسلم هو وأهله من أن يكون حديث المجالس.

This is also from the wisdom of a woman covering her face; that a man is safe from him and his family being a discussion in gatherings.”

[فتاوى نور على الدرب ١٣٤/١١ ~ ١٣٥]

#HusbandWife #Momin #Mominah


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