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If there’s One God, Why All the Different Religions?

If there’s One God, Why All the Different Religions?

Why are there so many religions? Isn’t there only one God? Why didn’t God say the same thing to everyone? How do I know which religion is right?

Perhaps God does proclaims the same truth to people all around the world. The question is, when God reveals his guidance, what do people hear?

Two people can listen to the same story and come away with very different meanings. We hear what we need to hear in order to face our own particular challenges. People of different times and cultures hear God differently, according to their own cultural and spiritual conditions.

It’s not that God is different for different people. God is eternally the same. It’s that we humans are different from one another, and we each see God in our own way. God always sent his messengers with the truth and proclaimed God is one, non is worthy of worship besides him, but people start worshipping men like Jesus or idols etc, the concept of God is so distorted but thank God for Islam which tells us about a God that we can logically accept.

It is common for people to think their religion is the right one. But have you really made a deep study and looked into the correct methods of interpreting your holy book. The truth is out there, you just need to look in the right place.


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