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You have no excuse before Allah if your Prophet is hurt or harmed while your eyes still blink"

"By Allah, you have no excuse before Allah if your Prophet is hurt or harmed while your eyes still blink"

Ubayy bin Ka’b narrates:

“I went to the place where the Prophet ﷺ pointed to. I walked around the martyrs for a while looking for Sa’d and calling out his name. However, I could not get an answer. Then, I shouted, ‘O Sa’d! The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent me to you.’ Then, a weak voice answered. I turned to that direction. Sa’d was lying on the ground. I caught him in his last breath.

I said, ‘O Sa’d! The Messenger of Allah ﷺ ordered me to find out whether you were among the survivors or martyrs and inform him.’

Sa’d’s voice was very weak like murmuring. ‘I am among the dead from now on.’ He tried to say that he would not survive. He spoke with a voice that could hardly be understood. ‘Give the Messenger of Allah ﷺ my salam (greeting). Tell him that that Sa`d bin Rabi tells you, 'May Allah reward you with the best thing that He rewards a prophet for his people!' And give Ansar, my tribe, my salam and say to them, ‘Did you not promise in Aqaba that you would protect the Messenger of Allah ﷺ? By Allah, you have no excuse before Allah if your Prophet is hurt or harmed while your eyes still blink."

📖 Al-J3hād by Ibn al-Mubārak (p.49)

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