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What is differenc between Love for Allāh and Love with Allāh

What is differenc  between Love for Allāh and Love with Allāh 

Ibn Taymīyyah (رحمه الله) stated:

And the difference is established between Love for Allāh and Love with Allāh, so the people of Tawhīd and Sincerity love other than Allāh for the sake of Allāh, while the Mushrikīn love other than Allāh along with Allāh, such as the love of the Mushrikīn for their (fake) gods, and the love of the Christians for the Messiah, and the love of the people of desires for their leaders.

والفرق ثابت بين الحب لله والحب مع الله، فأهل التوحيد والإخلاص يحبون غير الله لله، والمشركون يحبون غير الله مع الله، كحب المشركين لآلهتهم، وحب النصارى للمسيح، وحب أهل الأهواء رءوسهم.. 

[المجموع: 10/ 465].

#Love # Allah #Tawheed


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