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How to stop overthinking in Islam

6 ways to stop overthinking in Islam

🔳Ask Allāh: Allāh listens:

Turn each anxiety, each fear &  each concern into a Dua  Look at it as another reason to submit to Allah and be in Sajdah  during which you are closest to Allah. Allāh listens and already knows what is in your Heart but He wants you to ask Him for what you want.Dua is the essence of worship

🔳 Remember that human responsibility is limited:

Once you have done your duty,
leave the results to Allah.
Regardless of the results of your efforts, you will be rewarded for the part you have played.🍂

However, never underestimate your abilities. Understand the concept of Barakah (blessings from Allah) and remember that..Allāh can and In Sha Allāh will expand them if you are sincerely exerting your energies for the rightpath.🍂

🔳Leave the world behind you FIVE TIMES A DAY:

Use the five daily prayers as a means to become more Hereafter-orienter &  less attached to this temporary
world. Start distancing yourself as soon as you hear Adhan. When you perform Wudu,
keep repeating Shahada, the declaration of faith.

When you stand ready to pray, mentally prepare yourself to leave this world and all of
its worries and stresses behind you

🔳Seek help through SABR:

Seek help through Sabr and Salat | Quran 2:45 1

This instruction from Allah provides us with two critical tools that can ease our worries and pain. Patience & prayer are two often neglected stressbusters.

Being patient.
gives us control in situations where we feel we have little or no control🍂

🔳Relying on Allah; Tawakkul:

Once you have established a plan you intend to follow through on to deal with a specific issue or problem
in your life, put your trust in the most  Wise and the All-Knowing.

"When you have taken a decision,
put your trust in Allah"

I Quran 3:159 |

🔳Sleep the way the Prophetﷺ slept

End your day on a positive note.
Make Wudu, then think of your day Thank Allah for all the good things you accomplished, like Zikr and Salah.
For everything positive, say Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah). Foreverything negative sayAstaghfirullah watooboilayk
(I seekAllah's forgiveness and I turn to You[Allāh]).

Recite the last two chapters
of the Quran.

#Overthinking #DoZikr #Nofikar

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