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What is the most important thing after Tawhid

The Most Important Thing After Tawhīd 

“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents…”

During these few Remaining Night's while we are Making Du’ā for all our Needs and wants for this Life and the Next, we shouldn’t forget the ones who are most deserving of our ad’iyā’ - our parents. The most important thing after Tawhīd is Being dutiful to our Parent's and honouring them. Our parents are more deserving of our ad’iyā than anyone else but Many are Negligent in this matter. Make abundant du’ā for them, their well-being, Īmān, and Aākhirah. SOCIAL MEDIA stresses the Importance of Spouse's, Friends, Company etc, but more emphasis needs to put on the Importance of our Parent's, and their Rights upon us; and one of the easiest ways of honouring our Parent's is by keeping them in our Constant ad’iyā’. 

“And We have Enjoined on Man to be Good and Dutiful to his Parent's.”

May Allāhﷻ Bless our Parent's with All that which is Good Fil duniyā wal Aākhirah, grant them Maghfirah, and Raise their Ranks to Firdaus Al-‘Alaa, Allāhumma Āmeen 

#Parent #Isam #IslamicRuling

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