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Whoever annoys Allah and His Messenger, is cursed in this World and the Hereafter Here

Whoever annoys Allah and His Messenger, is cursed in this World and the Hereafter Here

Allah says: 
Verily, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating torment.
Allah warns and threatens those who annoy Him by going against His commands and doing that which He has forbidden, and who persist in doing so, and those who annoy His Messenger by accusing him of having faults or shortcomings -- Allah forbid.
Ikrimah said that the Ayah: 
 (Verily, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger), was revealed concerning those who make pictures or images.
In The Two Sahihs, it is reported that Abu Hurayrah said:
"The Messenger of Allah said: 
Allah says:"The son of Adam annoys Me by inveighing against time, but I am time, for I cause the alternation of night and day.""
The meaning of this Hadith is that in the Jahiliyyah they used to say, "How bad time is, it has done such and such to us!"
They used to attribute the deeds of Allah to time, and inveigh against it, but the One Who did that was Allah, may He be exalted. So, He forbade them from this.
Al-`Awfi reported that Ibn Abbas said that the Ayah,  
 (Verily, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger), was revealed about those who slandered the Prophet over his marriage to Safiyyah bint Huyay bin Akhtab. The Ayah appears to be general in meaning and to apply to all those who annoy him in any way, because whoever annoys him annoys Allah, just as whoever obeys him obeys Allah.

#Allah #ProphetMohammad #IslamicKnowledge

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