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How to be Careful with Thieves of the Month of Ramadan!

Be Careful with Thieves of the Month of Ramadan!

Reminder for Myself and Those who Wish to Benefit As Ramadan is Almost here.

1. Television 
this thief is Dangerous and Ruins Days of People and Diminishes their Reward's, by Watching Movies where the Day's are the Best of All day's and Night's are the Best of All Night's.

2. Too much Sleep
Just because it is Said in Hadith that Even sleep in this Month has Thawab doesn't Mean that you Should Excessively Sleep. The Point is that if Even sleep Contains Reward's then Imagine the Reward's of Ibadat.

3. Wasting Night
A Thief that Steals most Valuable time from you. This thief is Responsible for turning you away from Salatul layl, Istighfār and Tawbah and Reading of Specific Duas of Ramadan and Recitation of the Qur'an.

4. Stinginess
Give Sadqa, Iftar and help Other's. Give Iftar Even if it is half a Date or a Sip of Water, so ALLĀH ﷻ will Forgive your Past Sins.

5. Bad Akhlaq Manners
Fasting is not just Restraining from Food and Drinks but Eye's, Ears, Tongue and all Parts of the Body Should also be Fasting. Stay away from Lying, Backbiting, Cursing, Suspicion.

And the Biggest thief ... 
6. Social Media i.e Facebook, Intsagram,Telegram,Whatsapp etc...

If You do not Use Them in the Right way, all Your good Deeds Could be Taken from You.

So Don't let this Holy Month go so that When Everyone is Receiving their Reward's, you are also Not the one who is Empty Handed!

May ALLĀH ﷻ Accept our IBADAT! Aāmeen Ya Rabbul Alāmeen

#Ramadan #SocialMedia #Ibadah

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