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Our istighfār (seeking forgiveness) requires istighfār!

Istighfar Reminder

Hasan Al-Basri رحمه الله said:

“Our istighfār (seeking forgiveness) requires istighfār!”

[Tafsīr Al-Qurtubī: 4/210]

The intent behind this is that many of us are not sincere in our Istighfār and we do not meet the conditions of an accepted repentance.

This is because repentance has conditions which need to be met in order for it to be accepted.

1) The person gives up the sin Immediately 

Saying you have repented, and you haven’t given up the sin is the repentance of the liars!

قال الفضيل بن عياض- رحمه الله-

"استغفار بلا إقلاع توبة الكذابين"

Al-Fuḍayl ibn ʻIyāḍ رحمه الله said:

“Repentance without Iqlā’ (giving up the sin) is the repentance of the liars!”

2) That he regrets the sin he has committed

This is the cornerstone and pillar of repentance. The Prophet ﷺ said:

النَّدَمُ تَوْبَةٌ

(Regret is repentance)

You cannot say you have repented when you do not regret the sin you committed. Rather, if they had another opportunity to commit it, they would pounce at the opportunity and hasten to do it another time. And you cannot say you have repented sincerely if you remember your sins as good moments in your life as if you’re proud of it.

3) That he has a firm resolve to never commit the sin he has repented from

Many people say they have repented, but they do not have a firm resolve to leave the sin. They do not cut off the people of the sin, or abandon the place of the sin or refrain from the pathways and avenues which lead back to the sin.

This is Why our Repentance Requires Repentance!

#Tawbah  #Repentance #Istighfar

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