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She did ghusl Following her Mense's when She was not Certain.. | Ramadan QA

She did ghusl Following her Mense's when She was not Certain as to Whether it Had Ended, then She became Certain Before Fajr, so She Fasted and Prayed without Repeating ghusl. Is Her Fast and Prayer Valid?

Answer :
A. The fast is valid while the prayer is not

The End of Mense's is known by One of two Signs:
1. The Emission of the White Discharge [tuhr], which is Well known to Women.
2. Complete Dryness, so that if a Woman inserts a piece of Cotton or the like, it Will come Out clean with no Trace of Blood or Yellowish or Brownish Discharge on it.
A Woman should Not hasten to do Ghusl Until she is Certain that her Period has Ended.

Imam al-Bukhaari Rahim رحمه الله Said:
Chapter: the Beginning and End of the Menstrual flow. Some Women Used to Send to ‘Aisha Radi Allāhu anhu Pads of cotton with traces of Yellowish Discharge, and she would Say: Do not Hasten until you See the White Discharge – meaning that the Period had Ended. The Daughter of Zayd ibn Thabit Radi Allāhu Anhu heard that some women used to call for Candles in the depths of the Night, to see whether their menses had Ended, and she said: The women never used to do that – and she criticized [those who did that]. End quote.

If a woman becomes certain that her period has ended before Fajr, then she must fast.
If she is not certain whether it has ended, then her fast is not valid, even if we assume that no discharge is emitted during that day, because the intention of fasting is not valid unless one is certain that the period has ended.

If a woman does ghusl at the beginning of the night although she is uncertain as to whether her period has ended, then she becomes certain of that before Fajr, and she prays and fasts without repeating ghusl, then her fast is valid but her prayer is not.

● That is because in the case of fasting, it is stipulated (specified) that the menses should have ended, even if the woman has not yet done ghusl. 
But in the case of prayer, it is essential to do ghusl, and her first ghusl is not valid when there is some uncertainty as to whether the menses has ended. So she should do another ghusl after her certainty then perform the prayer. 

It says in Kashshaaf Al-Qinaa‘ (1/146), 
Regarding things that make ghusl obligatory: 
The fifth is Menstrual bleeding, because the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said to Fatimah bint Abi Hubaysh: “When it ends, then do ghusl and pray.” Agreed upon.

This is supported by the verse in which ALLĀH ﷻ, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And when they have purified themselves, then come to them from where Allah has ordained for you" [Al-Baqarah 2:222], 

That is, when they have done ghusl (after menses), that is when the husband is allowed to have intercourse with his wife. So the husband is not allowed to have intercourse with his wife if she has not done ghusl after her menses, - which indicates that it is obligatory for her to perform ghusl. 

Rather ghusl becomes obligatory once the bleeding of menses begins, and the cessation (end) of menses is the condition for it (ghusl) to be valid. End quote.

And ALLĀH ﷻ knows best.
#Ramdan #Menses #QA

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