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Story of PROPHET: SALEH (عليه السلام) Part 9 Chapter 5

Story of PROPHET: SALEH (عليه السلام) Part 9 Chapter 5

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الإمام ابن كثير ‎ - قصص الأنبياء

PROPHET: SALEH (عليه السلام)

PART: 9 (Chapter – 5)


When it was Sunday morning, they perfumed themselves and sat down in readiness, waiting for the punishment which was going to come to them. They had no idea what is going to befall on them, or from which side it’s going to come.


After the sun rose, a mighty blast came from the sky, and a quack from their beneath. All souls died and every movement stopped therewith. There were no noises left there. They remained in their houses squatting and lifeless and motionless. It is said that nobody was left alive except a disabled girl, whose name was Kalbah. She was the archenemy of Saleh and when she was the punishment coming, she ran away on her legs and ran fast as anything could run. She came to an Arab tribe and informed them what she has seen of the punishment inflicted upon her people. She asked them water to drink, when she drank she died.

Allah said: “As if they had never dwelt there, for Thamud disbelieved in their Lord, so obliterate Thamud!” (11:68) It seemed as though they had never lived there in such a life of comfort and abundance.


Imam Ahmad has narrated from Jabir رضي الله عنهwho said: When the Prophet ﷺ passed by the Rocky Tract of Thamud, he said: “Do not ask for signs, as the people of Saleh had asked for it meaning the she-camel. She went for her water from this way and come back from that way. They transgressed against their Lord and slew her. She drank from their water one day and they drank from her milk one day. They slew her and so the Blast which Allah sent upon them from the sky, seized them except one man who was in the Haram of Allah. They asked: Who was that person, O Messenger of Allah? The Prophet ﷺ said: He was Abu Righal, when he came out from the Haram, the same punishment was inflicted upon him which had inflicted his people.”

اَللّٰهُ أَعْلَم

To be Continued…

ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽ

#Prophet  #SALEH #Story


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