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When the Jews and Christians followed the ways of the pagans

When the Jews and Christians followed the ways of the pagans:

1. They made Uzayr and Eesaa Ibn Maryam as the sons of “God”.
2. They started worshiping idols in the form of cow (by the Jews) and man (by the Christians).
3. They (the Christians) started celebrating Christmas.

When SOME among the Muslims followed the ways of the pagans:

1. They started believing in Wahdatul Wujood (i.e. all that in existence is Allaah).
2. They started worshiping graves and idols.
3. They started celebrating Milaad al-Nabee and Urs (birthdays of “saints”).

وَقَالَتِ الْيَهُودُ عُزَيْرٌ ابْنُ اللَّهِ وَقَالَتِ النَّصَـرَى الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ اللَّهِ ذلِكَ قَوْلُهُم بِأَفْوَهِهِمْ يُضَـهِئُونَ قَوْلَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ مِن قَبْلُ قَـتَلَهُمُ اللَّهُ أَنَّى يُؤْفَكُونَ

{And the Jews say: "Uzayr (Ezra) is the son of Allaah,'' and the Christians say: "The Messiah is the son of Allaah.'' That is their saying with their mouths, THEY IMITATE THE SAYING OF THOSE WHO DISBELIEVED BEFORE THEM. May Allaah destroy them, how they are deluded away from the truth!} [Surah al-Tawbah (9): 30]

Narrated Umar: I heard the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم saying:

❝Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Apostle.❞

[Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (3445)]

#Jews #Christians #Idols #Christmas #‎Mawlid #Pagans

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