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Story of PROPHET: ABRAHAM - IBRAHIM (عليه السلام) Part 3 Chapter 6

Story of PROPHET: ABRAHAM - IBRAHIM (عليه السلام) Part 3 Chapter 6

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الإمام ابن كثير ‎ - قصص الأنبياء


PART: 3 (Chapter – 6)


His first call was directed towards his father, who worshiped idols. As a father, he deserved most sincere advice. Allah said in the Qur’an: mention in the Book (the Qur'an) Ibrahim (Abraham). Verily! He was a man of truth, a Prophet. When he said to his father: "O my father! Why do you worship that which hears not, sees not and cannot avail you in anything? "O my father! Verily! There has come to me of knowledge that which came not unto you. So follow me. I will guide you to a Straight Path. "O my father! Worship not Shaitan (Satan). Verily! Shaitan (Satan) has been a rebel against the Most Beneficent (Allah)."O my father! Verily! I fear lest a torment from the Most Beneficent (Allah) overtake you, so that you become a companion of Shaitan (Satan) (in the Hell-fire)." 

[Tafsir Al-Qurtubi] (19: 41-45)

He (the father) said: "Do you reject my gods, O Ibrahim (Abraham)? If you stop not (this), I will indeed stone you. So get away from me safely before I punish you." Ibrahim (Abraham) said: "Peace be on you! I will ask Forgiveness of my Lord for you. Verily! He is unto me, Ever Most Gracious. "And I shall turn away from you and from those whom you invoke besides Allah. And I shall call on my Lord; and I hope that I shall not be unblessed in my invocation to my Lord." (19:46-48)

In this above mentioned Verse, Allah has mentioned the conversation and argument that went on between him and his father. He has mentioned how Abraham invited his father towards the way of Truth in gentleness and politeness. He explained to him why he was wrong in worshiping idols which neither have the capability to hear what its worshipers invoke them for, nor could they see. How, then, could they avail anybody’s needs, or provide them with provision or help? Then Abraham told his father about what Allah has bestowed upon him of guidance and beneficial knowledge for the guidance of mankind, though he was younger in his age than his father. He said: 

“O my father! I have received such knowledge as has not come to you, so follow me and I will guide you to the Straight Path.” (19:43). 

Meaning a way which is clear and easy, which leads you straight towards Allah, and which brings all the goodness of this life and the life in the Hereafter.

اَللّٰهُ أَعْلَم

To be Continued…

ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ

#Prophet  #IBRAHIM #Story


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