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Story of PROPHET: ADAM (عليه السلام) PART 24

Story of PROPHET: ADAM (عليه السلام) PART 24

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الإمام ابن كثير ‎ - قصص الأنبياء

PROPHET: ADAM (عليه السلام)

PART: 24


In the Night Journey of our Prophet ﷺ it is mentioned that: “When the Prophet ﷺ passed by Adam on the first heaven, 

he said: “Welcome to the pious son and pious Prophet”. The Prophet  ﷺ then said: “On his right side was a huge crowd, and on his left side was a huge crowd. When he looked on his right side, he smiled; and when he looked at his left side, he cried.

 I (the Prophet ﷺ) said: ‘O Gabriel! Who is this?’ He replied: ‘He is Adam, and they are the souls of his children. When he looked on his right, to those were the people of Paradise, he smiled; but when he looked on his left, to those who were the people of Hell, he cried…”

Some scholars have said regarding this part of the Hadith: “…then I passed by Joseph, and he was given half of beauty.”

Which meant: Joseph (Yusuf) was given half of beauty that Adam was given, and it seems to be a reasonable opinion. Because Allah created Adam and shaped him  by His Noble Hand, and then He breathed into him the soul which He created for him. He must have created him in the best of shape and beauty.

It is narrated that when Allah created Paradise, the angels said: “Our Lord! Let us have it, since You have created for mankind the world, in which they eat and drink.” Allah said to them: “By My Glory and Splendor, I shall not make the pious progeny of one whom I have created with My Hand, to be like one to whom I said: ‘Be,’ and he came into existence.”


Seth (Shith) means Gift of Allah, They named him because they were given him after Abel was killed.

Ibn Ishaq says: 

When death approached Adam, he made a covenant with his son Seth, and taught him the hours of the day and the night and the acts of worship for those hours. He also informed him about the Flood to come after him.

Ibn Ishaq sys that it is said: 

All lineage of mankind goes back to Seth, while the rest of his children perished and did not leave any lineage.

When Adam died and that was Friday, angels came with embalmment and a shroud from the presence of Allah, and from Paradise and they consoled his son Seth.

 Ibn Ishaq says: The sun and moon eclipsed for seven days and seven nights.

 To be Continued…

ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ

#Prophet  #ADAM #Story


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