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This Summary of the Sixteenth Juz' covers 
Surah Al Kahf Ayah 75 to Surah Al Ta'ha.

Beginning of the Sixteenth Juz'

🔰This part of Surah Kahf contains the incident of Dhul Qarnain whose kingdom was extremely extensive. He was a pious Mu'min who ruled very justly.

🔰It was during his reign that the barbaric tribes of Ya'jûj and Majûj plundered other nations and wreaked havoc in their lives.

Dhul Qarnain stemmed their tide of anarchy by erecting a wall of iron and copper at their exit between two mountains. He made it clear to the people there that it was only Allah’s mercy that kept the wall from collapsing because it was merely a temporary object of this world. 
They were therefore to continue performing good acts and purge their actions of shirk.

🔰The final verse of the Surah reads: "So whoever aspires for the meeting with his Rabb should perform good acts and not associate anyone as partner to the worship of his Rabb."

Surah Maryam follows Surah Kahf. 

🔰This Surah commences with mention of how Allah ﷻ blessed Zakariya عليه السلام with a child after he had already reached an advanced age.

🔰His son was Yahya عليه السلام, who was a soft‑hearted Nabi, who possessed a decisive sense of judgement.

🔰Thereafter Allah ﷻ relates the story of Maryam رضي الله عنه when she miraculously gave birth to Isa عليه السلام without a father.

🔰Isa عليه السلام(Jesus) talked as a baby in the cradle declaring that he is the servant of Allahﷻ, been given the scripture and made Prophet.He also declares "And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path."
 That is the truth of Jesus of which people are in dispute.[19:30-36].

🔰Many other prophets are mentioned thereafter. The objective of mentioning these prophets is to impress upon people's minds that all the prophets brought the same message that Prophet ﷺ brought.

🔰However, depravity crept into the lives of people with time and they resorted to kufr and shirk.
🔰Towards the end of Surah Maryam, Allah ﷻ declares that it is profane to say that He ﷻ has children because it does not suit His loftiness and grandeur to have any children. Claiming that Allah ﷻ has children is an open invitation to His wrath and punishment.

Surah Tâ-Hâ follows Surah Maryam.

🔰At the outset, Allah ﷻ addresses Prophet ﷺ saying, "We have not revealed the Qur’an to you to cause you difficulty. However, it is an advice for him who fears."

🔰Allah ﷻ has not charged Prophet ﷺ with forcing people to believe when they do not want to.
🔰The Qur’an will be of benefit to those who fear that Allah ﷻ will take them to account for their sins.

🔰Thereafter, Allah ﷻ narrates the incident of Moosa عليه السلام. 

The Surah mentions the following events in the life of Moosa عليه السلام:
▪️ When he was conferred to proclaim the mantle of Prophethood on the plain of Tuwa.

▪️ His miracles of the staff and shining hand.

▪️ His upbringing in Firawn’s palace.

▪️ His preaching to Firawn.

▪️His contest against the magicians.

▪️ His departure from Egypt with the Bani Israeel.

▪️ Firawn and his army's pursuit of the Bani Israeel and their eventual drowning.

▪️ The treachery and disobedience of the Bani Israeel which led them to take a calf as their deity.

▪️Thereafter the Surah mentions Qiyama (day of judgement) and urges the performance of Salah.

🔰Towards the end of the Surah Allah ﷻ says to the Mu’mineen, not to long for the splendor of worldly life that We have granted groups of the Kuffar to enjoy as a test (to see which of them will use these bounties for Allah’s obedience and which of them will use it to anger Allah).

🔰 The provision of our Rabb in the, Akhirah is best and more lasting than anything of this world.

End of the Sixteenth Juz'
#Quran #Summary #Juz_16

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