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This summary of the second Juz begins from ayah 142 and ends at 252 of Surah Al Baqarah.

Beginning of Second Juz

🔹The beginning of the second Juz discusses the change of Qibla. Allah ﷻ commands the Muslims to face towards the Ka’aba instead of Baitul Muqaddas [Jerusalem] when performing Salah. Consequently, Muslims will always be required to face towards the Ka'bah wherever they may be. (2:144)

🔹Allah ﷻ also prohibits the eating of carrion (dead animals), blood, swine and all animals that have been sacrificed in the name of any being besides Allah. ( 2:173)

🔹To a very large extent, Surah Baqarah discusses the complete message of Islam, dealing with matters such as the rights of Allah, the rights of man, the method of living and the principles of social interaction. It also outlines laws pertaining to Salah, Zakat and Hajj.

🔹In addition to this, charity, social welfare, mutual consultation, bequests, commerce and giving loans are also discussed.

🔹Regarding marriage, divorce, Iddah [waiting period after a woman is divorced or widowed], ( 2:227-232)

🔹The Surah also presents many commands and prohibitions, devoting much attention to matters that are permissible and those that are not. These may be referred to as a complete code of life.

🔹The details of Imaan and the criteria of Imaan are also discussed in this part of the Surah.

🔹Allah ﷻ emphasizes that people should believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Day of Qiyamah, the angels, all His other Ambiyâ عليه السلام and all the Divine Scriptures that were revealed to various Ambiyâ عليه السلام during their respective periods.

🔹Allah ﷻ also commands Muslims to spend generously on their parents, relatives, the poor, orphans, travelers and those slaves who wish to purchase their freedom.
🔹Allah ﷻ commands that a murderer be executed [Qisâs]. However, if the heirs of the murdered person choose to rather accept the blood money, it will have to be paid. (2:178)

🔹 Fasting is ordained in this Surah, but people who are unable to fast have been granted certain concessions. (2:183)

🔹Allah ﷻ makes it clear that marriage of Muslims to Mushrikeen men and women is prohibited. (2:221)

🔹In addition to this, the Surah makes it clear that children can be suckled for a maximum period of two years. (2:233)
#Quran #Summary #Juz2

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