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This summary of the Third Juz starts at verse 253 of Surah Al-Baqarah till verse 91 of Surah Al-Imran.

Beginning of Third Juz'

🔹This Juz concludes the longest chapter of the Qur’an which contains the Greatest single verse in The Quran– Ayat ul-Kursi. This immense verses' memorisation, understanding and recitation will derive many benefits for the worshipper.

🔹The Surah also relates the incidents of two Ambiyâ عليه السلام whose hearts Allah ﷻ put at ease when He ﷻ demonstrated to them how He ﷻ resurrects the dead.

🔹Allah ﷻ declares all interest-related transactions to be undeniably Haraam towards the end of Surah Baqarah. [2:275]

🔹Throughout Surah Baqarah, Allah ﷻ repeatedly emphasizes the importance of pondering over the verses of the Qur’an.

🔹This Surah contains the Largest Ayah of The Qur'an Ayat ul Dayn dealing with the topic of Debt, and the importance of it's proper Documentation.

🔹The last two verses of Surah Baqarah,also called “Amana Rasul” is an important Dua and means of overnight protection for those who recite it before going to sleep.

🔹The first eighteen verses of Surah Al-Imran make it clear that only Allāh is worthy of worship, that the Day of Qiyama will certainly dawn and that the people will definitely be rewarded and punished for their actions.

🔹Allah ﷻ has send down the Quran as the book in truth confirming that He ﷻ revealed before it.

🔹Allah ﷻ declares that there is no diety except him and that the Religion in sight of Allah ﷻ is Islam

🔹Allah ﷻ also speaks of the Battle of Badr in this Surah. If the Mu’minoon were to ponder about the victory that the Muslims earned in this battle, they can learn volumes about Allah’s power. The true Mu’minoon are defined as people who persevere through hardships, who spend their wealth in Allah’s way and are awake during the latter part of the night to seek forgiveness from Allah ﷻ.

🔹Allah ﷻ speaks of Isa عليه السلام and Maryam رضي الله عنه. When she was placed in the care of Zakariya عليه السلام he noticed that she used to eat fruits that were not in season.

Upon enquiry, she told him that it was from Allah ﷻ who sustains whomsoever He ﷻ wills without any restrictions.

🔹This Surah mentions the miraculous birth of Isa عليه السلام from Maryam رضي الله عنه without a father.

🔹As an infant in his cradle, Isa عليه السلام spoke to the people and attested to his miraculous birth.

This was just one of his many miracles that are mentioned in this Surah.

🔹Allah ﷻ assures people that Isa عليه السلام was lifted alive to the heavens. and make those who follow him[in submission to Allah ﷻ alone superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. [3:55]

🔹Prophet ﷺ has informed us that Isa عليه السلام shall return to this world just before Qiyama to slay Dajjal. He will then pass away naturally.

However, the Christians adamantly believe that he was crucified.

🔷The Christians were just as opposed to Islam as the Jews were. Therefore, Allah ﷻ instructed Prophet ﷺ to issue a challenge of Mubâhala to them.

"'Mubâhala'" is a challenge between two opposing factions where each gather his family members and they collectively invoke Allah’s punishment on the opposite faction saying, "O Allah! Curse the party of us that is false and lying."

However, the group of Christians whom Prophet ﷺ challenged shrank in fear from the challenge. [3:61]

🔹The third Juz ends with a declaration that no disbeliever shall ever avoid any torment of Allah ﷻ even if he tries to ransom himself*l with an earth full of gold it will not avail him. Neither will any compensation or intercession be accepted for him to save him from the Fire. [3:91]

End Of The Third Juz'
#Quran #Summary #Juz3

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