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The sixth Juz covers Surah An Nisa Ayah 148 to Surah Al Maidah Ayah 82.

The final section of Surah An-Nisa returns to the association of Muslims with the *"People of the Book"* (Christians and Jews). Allah ﷻ warns Muslims not to follow their course as they altered their faith and went against their prophets.

🔷 Allah *denies the Crucifixion* and Allah ﷻ clearly says that He ﷻ *raised Isa عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ to Himself* and that Isa عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ *will descend* to earth before the Last Day *[5:157-159]*

🔷As mentioned, much of Surah An-Nisa was revealed shortly after the Muslims' defeat at Uhud. Its last verse outlines *the laws of inheritance,* which was instantly relevant to the widows and orphans from that battle.

It opens by discussing *dietary laws, hajj, marriage, and criminal punishment* for some crimes. These provide a spiritual aspect for laws and practices that were enacted during the early years of the Islamic community in Madinah.

🔷The chapter then discusses lessons to be learnt from past prophets, and invites the People of the Book to *assess the message of Islam.* Allah ﷻ warns believers about the people of the book, as they sold their religion. Detail is given about the life and teachings of Musa عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ as an example.

🔷One of the central themes of Surah Maidah is that the laws of the Shari’ah *must be upheld.*

The following injunctions have been highlighted to explain this:

1️⃣ Hunting is prohibited after entering Ihram.

2️⃣ Halaal animals may be consumed only when slaughtered in Allah’s name.

3️⃣Haram lists as:

❌Carrion (decaying flesh of animals),

❌Flesh of pigs,

❌Animals that are not slaughtered in Allah's name,

❌Those that are strangled or beaten to death,

❌Those that fall to their deaths,

❌Those killed by collision, and

❌Those that are killed by wild beasts.

4️⃣Allah ﷻ tells man that he should *abstain from sooth-saying by omens* and all other means, as they *are the practice of sinners.*

🔷 *All perceived good and evil are in Allah’s control.* Allah ﷻ tells the Muslims that they should have firm faith in their Deen, which He has perfected, thereby granting them enormous favour.

Therefore, Muslims should uphold Allah's laws and critically distinguish between lawful and unlawful; *abstain from evil and be grateful.*

Surah Maidah contains laws that relate to man's *religious, civil, social and political life.* This Surah contains detailed guidance about:

🔺The etiquettes of Hajj

🔺Revering the landmarks of Deen

🔺The perimeters of Halaal and Haraam

🔺Marriage and interaction with the people of the book,

🔺The laws of Wudhu, Ghusl and Tayammum

🔺The value of justice; being just despite enmity and hatred is true taqwa. *[5:8]*

🔺Dealing with rebellion

🔺The punishment for theft

🔺The prohibition of liquor and gambling

🔺The expiation for breaking vows and

🔺The laws of testimony.

🔷 Ikhlaas (sincerity of intention) and following the shari’ah is a must for any act of worship to be accepted. *[5:27]*

🔷Allah ﷻ ordains that the hand of a male or female thief is to be cut off.

🔷The Muslims are warned against taking the Jews and Christians *as intimate friends.*

🔷Allah ﷻ makes it clear that belief in the *'Trinity' is kufr* and that the Kuffaar will continue to hate the Muslims till Qiyaamah.

🔷Allah ﷻ entreats the Prophet ﷺ , not to be grieved by the disbelief of the Kuffaar because he is not responsible for them.

🔷Allah states that *Jannah is forbidden for the Mushrikeen* and that oppressors will have no aid against Allah ﷻ.

🔷Allah ﷻ says that the people of old who adhered to the divine religions of their times *will attain salvation* if they firmly believed in Allah and in the Day of Qiyamah

#Quran #Summary #Juz6.

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