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The fifth Juz starts at *Surah Nisâ Ayah 24 and ends at Surah Nisâ Ayah 147.*

🔷The laws of *marriage* are discussed. Allah ﷻ mentions the women a man cannot marry, and those he can.

🔷Though allowed to take profit from a mutually agreed trade, *extortion is forbidden always.*
*Jahannam* will be the punishment for committing these grave sins. When a person abstains from major sins and does good, *his minor sins are forgiven.*

🔷Allah ﷻ also says that a rebellious wife may be disciplined, but, it is a *grave sin to look for her faults.*
In unresolved disagreements, *an arbiter should be appointed* to reconcile the couple. *[4:35]*

🔷Allah also mentions a *humiliating torment* for the miserly and ungrateful. [4:37]

🔷Allah ﷻ mentions that Salah *is invalid in a state of impurity or intoxication.* It is a major sin to perform Salah in these states.

🔷In absence of water for wudhu or bath, one may *_perform Tayammum._* *[4:43]*

🔷Allah ﷻ exhorts Muslims to fulfill the trusts of others, and *abstain from treachery.* *[4:58]*

🔷Allah ﷻ also commands the Mu’minoon to *fight in His cause,* emphasizing that martyrdom is an exalted position and fearing death is cowardice. *[4:75]*

🔷Allah commands that testimony be *given truthfully and in clear terms* even if against oneself or family members. 

🔷Allah ﷻ declares that though He forgives all sins, *He will never forgive shirk.* *[4:48]*


1️⃣ The Surah established *women's rights,* 1400yrs ago, when women were abused and didn't have a high social status in society. 

2️⃣It made it clear that *women are honorable* and not to be taken advantage of. 

3️⃣Hence, within this Juz, Allah ﷻ touches on *maintenance of domestic, and communal affairs.* 


▪️ Allah ﷻ explains the structure of the Muslim home. He ﷻ made the men *managers of the home, not dictators.*

▪️Allah ﷻ ordained that due to the virtue He ﷻ has extended to them and the *financial duties that they have to the women, in kindness,* whilst the women have no financial duties to the men.

▪️If there are problems (unchastity, treason), Allah ﷻ shows us how to resolve them. This must be *understood correctly,* lest, people show an ugly image of Islam, which shouldn't be!

▪️ The disciplinary measures must be in this order -
1. Counsel her, if that fails then,
2. Abandon her bed (to show disapproval of certain actions), if that fails then,
3. Strike her.

Step 3 must be understood correctly, by referring to the Prophet ﷺ because his *Sunnah explains the Qur'an.* About this verse and about striking the wife, he said that the *man must never cause any injury whatsoever, not even a scratch on her.*

Step 3 is the last step! You will find that if steps 1 and 2 are done properly, there is *no need for step 3.* The Prophet ﷺ never resorted to the last step with his wives. He ﷺ *never raised his hand to a woman, any woman.*


1️⃣ We worship only Allah.
2️⃣ We are good to our parents.
3️⃣ We are good to our relatives.
4️⃣ We are good to our neighbors.
5️⃣ We are good to the travelers.
6️⃣ We are good to the poor.

Allah ﷻ *doesn't like the arrogant,* and He raises the humble.


1️⃣ Justice maintains social stability.

2️⃣ Allah ﷻ tells us to establish justice for His sake, even if it costs us our own welfare. 

3️⃣ There may be short term harm for it, but long term benefits. If we run away from it, then the evils will be many fold. 

4️⃣ Fix problems and learn from mistakes. 

5️⃣ Polygamy, though has been present, Islam allows and regulates it, so injustice is done to no one.

6️⃣ We cannot do proper justice to all the women we marry even if we're eager. So, Allah ﷻ says not to be inclined to one and neglect the other(s).

7️⃣ If you fear being unjust, *then marry only one.*
#Quran #Summary #Juz5

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