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This summary of the Eighth Juz' covers the portion *from Surah Al An'am Ayah 111 till Ayah 87 of Surah Al A'raf.*

*Beginning of Eighth Juz'*

Allah commands Prophet ﷺ to announce to the people, *_"Certainly my Rabb has guided me to the straight path ... Surely my Salah, all my acts of worship, my life and my death are for Allah, the Rabb of the universe. He has no partner. With this have I been commanded and I am the first of those who surrender."_*

The following aspects have been emphasized in this Surah:
1️⃣ Never ascribe any partners to Allah ﷻ.
2️⃣ Treat parents kindly.
3️⃣ Never slay your children for fear of poverty because Allah ﷻ sustains everyone.
4️⃣ Never even come close to acts of promiscuity and immodesty.
5️⃣ Never take the life of any person without a legal right to do so.
6️⃣ Be just when weighing and measuring.
7️⃣ Always speak the truth and implement justice even though it may impact negatively on one's relatives.
8️⃣ Keep your word to Allah ﷻ and to fellow humans.

Much of Surah Al A'raf concerns *about the Akhirah.*

In this regard Allah ﷻ instructs man to
_"Follow what has been revealed to you from your Rabb and, leaving Him aside, do not follow other companions"_ *[7:3].*

Allah ﷻ also says, _"We shall definitely question those to whom Ambiyâ were sent and We will surely question the Ambiyâ."_

🔷People will be questioned about whether they *followed the teachings* of the Prophets and the Prophets will also be asked whether *they fulfilled the task* of propagation and about the attitude of their people.
Every person will have to *pass the scales* to have his or her acts weighed.

🔷Allah ﷻ draws man's attention to the fact that rejecting the truth like Qiyamah and Risâlah [prophethood] *is an act of Shaytaan.*

To illustrate this point, Allah ﷻ mentions the disobedience of Shaytaan when he refused to prostrate to Adam عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ *when Allah commanded him to do so.*

🔷Allah ﷻ warns man *not to act* in a similar manner. Allah ﷻ also mentions that He ﷻ granted man many favors when He settled him on earth and granted him honor by commanding the angels to prostrate before his father Adam عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ.

However, despite all these boons, *man is still ungrateful.*

🔷Later in the Surah, Allah ﷻ cautions man not to transgress the limits that Allah ﷻ has set because _"Allah does not like those who transgress."_

🔷Allah ﷻ declares that He has *forbidden all acts of immodesty,* be they secret or public.

🔷 He has also forbidden people from *ascribing partners to Him* and from ascribing false statements to Him. This is referred to in verse 33 where Allah ﷻ says, _"And that you say against Allah what you do not know."_

In verse 40 Allah says, _"Indeed those who deny our verses and are arrogant towards them, the doors of the heavens will not be opened to them and they will not enter Jannah until a camel enters through the eye of a needle."_ 
It will therefore *be impossible for them to enter Jannah.*

🔷On the other hand, the righteous ones have been promised entry into Jannah. Therefore, the Mu’minoon should respond to Allah’s call with hope in His mercy and fear for His punishment because Allah’s mercy is close to the righteous ones.

🔷Thereafter Allah ﷻ relates the incidents of *several prophets and people how the nations of these prophets refused to accept the truth,* thereby inviting Allah’s punishment to annihilate them.

These incidents are intended to be lessons for people so that they accept the message of Prophet ﷺ.

End of the Eighth Juz'
#Quran #Summary #Juz8

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