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Beauty and ugliness is a reflection of the heart

Beauty and ugliness is a reflection of the heart

Shaykh al-Islām ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said:

Goodness and beauty are due to righteous actions, they are found in the heart and then manifest upon the face.

Ugliness and repulsiveness are due to corrupt actions, they are found in the heart and then manifest upon the face.

Both of these matters then increase depending on one’s righteous – or evil – actions.

When piety and righteousness increase, beauty and goodness are strengthened; when sins and transgression increase, ugliness and repulsiveness become more manifest.

This continues to the extent that a person’s physical beauty or ugliness is removed and changed [depending on one’s good or bad actions].

How many people do not have a beautiful appearance, however, due to righteous actions, their beauty and handsome essence appears, until this physically manifests in their appearance. We see the faces of the people of Sunnah and obedience, the more they age, the more beautiful and handsome they appear, to the extent that some of them are more handsome in their old age than their youth.

And we find the faces of the people of innovation and sinning, the more they age, the more ugly they appear. And this clearly manifests in all people who have severe innovations and evil, such as the Rāfidah (Shia), the people of oppression, the people of immorality etc…

[Al-Istiqāmah Vol 1. Page 36]

العنوان:ظهور الجمال والقبح على الوجه

المرجع: الاستقامة ٦٣/١

وَهَذَا الْحسن وَالْجمال الَّذِي يكون عَن الْأَعْمَال الصَّالِحَة فِي الْقلب يسري إِلَى الْوَجْه والقبح والشين الَّذِي يكون عَن الْأَعْمَال الْفَاسِدَة فِي الْقلب

يسري إِلَى الْوَجْه كَمَا تقدم ثمَّ إِن ذَلِك يقوى بِقُوَّة الْأَعْمَال الصَّالِحَة والأعمال الْفَاسِدَة فَكلما كثر الْبر وَالتَّقوى قوى الْحسن وَالْجمال وَكلما قوى الْإِثْم والعدوان قوى الْقبْح والشين حَتَّى ينْسَخ ذَلِك مَا كَانَ للصورة من حسن وقبح فكم مِمَّن لم تكن صورته حَسَنَة وَلَكِن من الْأَعْمَال الصَّالِحَة مَا عظم بِهِ جماله وبهاؤه حَتَّى ظهر ذَلِك على صورته.

وَلِهَذَا ظهر ذَلِك ظهورا بَينا عِنْد الْإِصْرَار على القبائح فِي آخر الْعُمر عِنْد قرب الْمَوْت فنرى وُجُوه أهل السّنة وَالطَّاعَة كلما كبروا ازْدَادَ حسنها وبهاؤها حَتَّى يكون أحدهم فِي كبره أحسن واجمل مِنْهُ فِي صغره ونجد وُجُوه أهل الْبِدْعَة وَالْمَعْصِيَة كلما كبروا عظم قبحها وشينها حَتَّى لَا يَسْتَطِيع النّظر إِلَيْهَا من كَانَ منبهرا بهَا فِي حَال الصغر لجمال صورتهَا

وَهَذَا ظَاهر لكل اُحْدُ فِيمَن يعظم بدعته وفجوره مثل الرافضة وَأهل الْمَظَالِم وَالْفَوَاحِش وَنَحْوهم


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