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One of the noble brothers narrated to me the incident of how he got married.

One of the noble brothers narrated to me the incident of how he got married.

And in this regard,

وفي هذا الباب.

One of the noble brothers narrated to me the incident of how he got married.

أحد الأفاضل يحدثني عن الزواج

He said he proposed to the daughter who came from a righteous family, and they accepted (the proposal).

يقول خطبت من بيت صالح ابنتهم فقبلوا

When the subject of al-mahr (ie: the dowry) came up, the daughter said: “I do not want any mahr except a copy of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī.”

ولما جاء موضوع المهر. قالت البنت أنا لا أريد منه مهرا إلا نسخة من صحيح البخاري.

So he said he bought her a copy of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and they got married. Allah provided them with righteous children.

يقول فاشتريت نسخة من صحيح البخاري وقدمتها وكتب العقد ورزق منه ذرية صالحة. رأيتم صغارا.

And I saw those children grow up with my own eyes and they had much goodness in them, by the permission of Allah, the One free from all imperfections.

رأيتهم بنفسي وتوسع فيهم خيرا بإذن الله سبحانه وتعالى.

I mentioned this story in some of al-majālis (ie: my gatherings).

فرأيت هذه القصة مرة في بعض المجالس

So one of the students of knowledge came to me and asked me:

فأتى أحد طلبة العلم وقال لي

“O Shaykh, does she have a ukht (ie: sister)? I would like to offer her as a mahr al-kutub al-sittah (ie: all six books of ḥadīth).”

يا شيخ هل لها أخت أريد أن أمرها الكتب الستة؟

Timestamp: 22:21

ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Badr / عبد الرزاق البدر

#Nikah #IslamicStories #Dawah


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