Ibn al-Jawzi's Wisdom: Encouraging Early Marriage to Safeguard Teenagers from Sin
A father should help his son get married at a young ageIbn al-Jawzi رحمه الله said:
❝When the son becomes a teenager, his father should marry him off because it was mentioned in the hadith, "Whoever's son reaches puberty, he can marry him off, but if he doesn't, and then the son commits a sin, then they will both share the burden of the sin."
Therefore, it is surprising when a father forgets how it was like to be a teenager. He forgets the suffering and danger of falling into sin at such age. That said, the father should know and be aware of the fact that his son will be subjected to what he previously went through. Ibrahim al-Harbi said, "The basis of corruption in young boys is the influence of other boys on each other."
However, sometimes, in very rare cases, a child may opt for knowledge over marriage and keep teaching himself patience; for instance, Ahmad bin Hanbal, may Allah have mercy on him, did not get married until he was forty.❞
Taken from the book "Awaking from the Sleep of Heedlessness" by Imam ibn Jawzi.
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