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How to Abandon Something for the Sake of Allah

Abandoning Something for the Sake of Allah: A Difficult but Rewarding Journey

When speaking of how a person leaves something correctly for the sake of Allaah and of a person’s truthfulness in that:

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullaah said:
“Indeed; one may find difficulty in abandoning the things that are customary as well as the habits – that being for whoever abandons them for other than Allaah. As for the one who abandons it truthfully and sincerely from his heart; then he finds no difficulty in abandoning it – except in the initial instant – in order for him to be tested as to: whether he is truthful in its abandonment or untruthful? So if he is patient upon that difficulty for a short period, then it transforms into pleasant delight.

Ibn Sireen said: ‘I heard Shuraih swear by Allaah; that a servant never abandoned anything for the sake of Allaah; and subsequently found bereavement over it.’

As for their saying: 

‘whoever leaves off something for Allaah; then Allaah will replace it with better than it’ – this is true, and the replacement can be of various types. 
The most outstanding of that which one can be granted replacement is that of: 
acquaintance with Allaah and of having love for Him and the tranquility of the heart with regards to Him along with its strength and its enthusiasm and its delight and pleasure of its Lord, The Most High.
The most foolish of people is the one who strayed at the very end of his journey – and yet had neared the abode (destination).”
[Taken from: Rawdhatul Muhibbeen p.600-601 & Al-Fawaa-id p.250]

Ibn al-Qayyim's statement highlights the importance of sincerity and truthfulness when abandoning something for the sake of Allah. He says that if a person abandons something for other than Allah, they will find it difficult to do so. However, if a person abandons something sincerely and truthfully from their heart, they will find it easy to do so, except for an initial period of difficulty. This difficulty is a test of their sincerity, and if they are patient through it, it will eventually transform into pleasant delight.

Ibn Sireen's statement further emphasizes the importance of sincerity when abandoning something for the sake of Allah. He says that a servant who abandons something for the sake of Allah will never find regret over it. This is because Allah will always replace what a person abandons for His sake with something better. The most outstanding of these replacements is the gift of knowledge of Allah, love for Him, tranquility of the heart, strength, enthusiasm, delight, and pleasure in Allah.

The final statement by Ibn al-Qayyim warns against straying from the path of Allah at the very end of one's journey. This is because it is much more difficult to return to the path after having strayed from it. Therefore, it is important to always be sincere in one's worship of Allah and to avoid abandoning anything for other than Him.

Here are some practical tips for abandoning something for the sake of Allah:
  • Make sure that your intention is sincere. You should not be abandoning something for the sake of other people or for your own personal gain.
  • Be patient through the initial period of difficulty. It may be hard at first, but it will get easier with time.
  • Remember that Allah will replace what you abandon with something better. This may not be immediately apparent, but it will happen inshallah.
  • Stay focused on your goal. Remember why you are abandoning this thing in the first place.
  • Seek help from Allah. Ask Him to give you the strength and the courage to continue on your path.

Abandoning something for the sake of Allah is a difficult but rewarding journey. 
By following these tips, you can make it easier on yourself and increase your chances of success.

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