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Watching porn movies before Nikah | Advise for young muslims

Watching porn movies before Nikah | Advise for young Muslims

In our society, there are many issues which hide behind the curtain. 
Youngsters don't even possess the courage to present their personal issues before the scholars or counselors, as a result, strange diseases prevail in the society and lives get shattered. 
One such issue is that many youngsters, especially men, who are suffering from excessive desire, their marriages are delayed and they want to masturbate or watch porn movies to relieve that. 
They think and assume that instead of doing zina (committing adultery) this might be less sinful. We would like to address this issue in this post.

They want to obtain relief from this sexual anxiety, but masturbation or watching movies will NOT solve the problem and will NOT weaken the desire. It will it make it WORSE and will ultimately lead them towards adultery. 

Actually, people who seek such a solution to control their sexual desires want to treat the disease with the thing that is itself the disease!!!

‼️Believe us, those who opt for such options to relieve themselves will NEVER find healing or relief in either of these two options. 

Something that is itself a disease cannot bring healing from a disease; rather it will only make the disease worse. 

This is no more than a passing desire and transient pleasure, but what will be left is regret and remorse.

You must do is strive to keep yourself chaste by means of marriage at the earliest possible opportunity. You do not have to be restricted by traditional social requirements; rather you should try to reduce these restrictions as much as possible and hasten to marry someone who will keep you chaste. 

Until you are able to do that, you must keep away from movies completely, lower your gaze, and refrain from this secret habit. 
You should also fast a great deal and strive hard therein and in other acts of worship and all kinds of permissible deeds that will benefit you in this world and in the Hereafter. Do not allow yourself any free time, because if you do not keep your nafs busy with the truth, it will keep you busy with falsehood. 

 ‼️ Always bear in mind that Allah is watching you.

*The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) also said: “O young men, whoever among you can afford it should marry, and whoever cannot afford it should fast, for it will be a shield for him.”* 🍃

Narrated by al-Bukhari (5065) and Muslim (1400).

#Nikah #YoungMuslim  #Zina

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