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What the Devil Wants and How to Avoid Him

The Devil's Tools and How to Defeat Them

Prophet ﷺ said: 

“When the devil was cast down to earth he said: “My Lord, since You have cast me down to earth and made me outcast so give me a house.” 

Allāh replied: “Your house is the bathroom.” 

The devil then asked for an assembly place and he was told that markets and crossroads were his assembly places.

He asked for food and was told that it was anything in which Allaah’s name is not mentioned

On the request for drink he was told that it was all intoxicating drinks.

He wanted a caller and was given single-pipe

He requested for a Qur'aan and was told it was poetry

He asked for a book and was given tattoo’s

He asked for narration and was given telling a lie

He asked for messengers and was told that they were soothsayers (fortune tellers)

Lastly, he asked for traps and was told to use women.” 

‎● {لابن ابي الدنيا ٤٣}
‎● {المعجم الكبير للطبراني ٨/٢٠٧}

Here is a brief explanation of each of the things that the devil was given:

  • House: The bathroom is a place where we cleanse ourselves of physical impurities. The devil wants us to be spiritually impure as well, so he makes the bathroom a place where we can also cleanse ourselves of religious obligations, such as making wudu (ablution) and praying.

  • Assembly place: Markets and crossroads are places where people gather. The devil wants us to be surrounded by people who are also doing bad things, so he makes these places his assembly places.
  • Food: Anything in which Allah's name is not mentioned is considered to be haram (forbidden). The devil wants us to eat haram food, so he makes it seem appealing to us.

  • Drink: All intoxicating drinks are haram. The devil wants us to drink alcohol, so he makes it seem like it will make us happy and carefree.

  • Caller: A single-pipe is a type of musical instrument. The devil wants us to listen to music, so he makes it seem like it will relax us and make us feel good.

  • Qur'an: Poetry is not the same as the Qur'an. The Qur'an is the word of Allah, while poetry is the words of men. The devil wants us to think that poetry is just as good as the Qur'an, so he makes it seem like it can teach us about the truth.

  • Book: Tattoos are not the same as a book. A book is a written record of knowledge, while tattoos are permanent markings on the skin. The devil wants us to think that tattoos are a form of art, so he makes them seem appealing to us.

  • Narration: Telling a lie is not the same as narrating a story. A narration is a true account of events, while a lie is a false statement. The devil wants us to think that it is okay to lie, so he makes it seem like it is just a way to get what we want.

  • Messengers: Soothsayers are not the same as messengers. Messengers are people who have been sent by Allah with a message, while soothsayers are people who claim to be able to predict the future. The devil wants us to believe in soothsayers, so he makes them seem like they have special powers.

  • Traps: Women are not the same as traps. Women are human beings who deserve to be respected, while traps are devices that are designed to catch and harm people. The devil wants us to think that women are dangerous, so he makes them seem like they are only interested in using us.

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