Avoiding shirk and false beliefs | Islamic alternative to Nowruz and Mehregān
A classical example is when the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) first arrived at Madinah and witnessed the locals holding a day of celebration.Upon being informed of it’s origin he dissuaded them from continuing this practice by introducing them to an Islamically acceptable one. Anas r.a. reported,
“Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) came to Madinah while the (locals) had two (fixed) days in which they would have fun. He inquired, “What are these two days (about)?” The locals replied, “We used to have fun on these days in the pre-islamic era.” Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) explained, “Allah has substituted those two days for you with something better; the day of Adha and the day of Fitr.” (Abu Dawud: 1134)
According to Sh. Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri these two days were Nowruz (the Persian New Year which is held annually on the vernal equinox, as the beginning of spring) and Mehregān (an Iranian festival celebrated in honor of Mithra, a mythical deity, which is held on the autumnal equinox every year). (Buth’lul Majhud vol. 2 p.200)
Although it hurts to feel left out when everyone is having a good time, a Muslim should take solace in the fact that the enjoyment of this world is temporary while the enjoyment of Paradise is everlasting. However earning Paradise requires sacrifice and abstaining from activities that are founded on shirk and false beliefs is just one of those sacrifices we are required to make. May Allah make it easy for us all. Ameen
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