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In today's lesson, we have decided to share with you all, a sad true story. This is not a fiction, it's a reality. 

💙We do not share or talk about anyone's private life here. What we are about to share, the person involved has approved for it to be shared to educate others!

Read the sad story, benefit from it and we will deduce from it some moral lessons for our benefits and self awareness!
My name is Lidia and I'm 18 years old and it all started when I was a child about 5years old in primary school. In school during break time we usually went to the toilet together with boy and in the toilet we usually touch ourselves, even have sex at that age (not real sex since the penis don't use to enter but that feeling was already there). I was also influenced by the community were we lived in since children there were already very open minded . 

By the time I was 8, I already knew all about sex, I even had sex with girls , how it feels like and I loved it.
By the age of 12 we moved into a new quarter with my parents, so I met a friend called Sandra my mum always warned me about the girl until my mum will always beat me up just for me to stop moving with her but I won't listen and this girl usually gives me bad advice how I should have many boyfriends and I should sleep with men. 

By that age I was already looking very mature and very beautiful. So she introduced me to her boyfriend's brother and that's how I really got deflowered; it was very painful, and by thar time I got deflowered (disvirgined) I couldn't stop thinking about sex so I started sleeping with my boyfriend's friends, cousins, sometimes I will even have sex with all of them at the same time. 

I also slept with different guys just for fun because I can't say they gave me any thing not even a franc (cameroon currency) and it was just for fun. 

So by the age of 14 I met a guy who was about 15years older than me. That's how I had my first and second abortions, I got pregnant and the only thing we could do was to abort it and I later on broke up with him (note that I lied to him about my age ).
I started going to night clubs, sleeping outside at that young age, having bad friends, and my parents will always advice me and even beat me up but I won't listen to any of them. 

At the âge of 15 I met à different guy but still with him I had many other boyfriends and I also ab0rted for him once. I don't even know if we loved each other but I'm still with him until date. The guy is really supportive and sacrifices a lot for me. 

*Now I'm just 18years old but I look like a girl of 25 
*My body count is about 30, I've slept with married men, old men just for fun and I dated some who just used and dumped me .

*I didn't listen to my parents advice especially my mum, it's now that I realize that she wanted my best by giving me all those pieces of advice! 

*Sometimes I feel depressed, sometimes I'm happy, I didn't  grow up as  normally as I was supposed to but I don't blame anyone, I blame myself. 

*At that age I was still very naive, I didn't even know my right from my wrong, I saw myself as a big girl and that everything I do is right My advise to parents is that always control your child even if the child is still 3years old we never know what can happen, don't leave your children to be mingling around with children in the quarter and any how in school, advise them because it's from there that they get those bad habits, don't say my child is too small. 

*And lastly be very strict on your children; don't allow them to go out anyhow or to have any type of friends because from the percentage of friends I had from secondary school right up to the university, the majority of decent girls are girls who's parents are very strict. 

I don't want any girl to fall into this same trap I am in, let me not lie to you people it's not easy to get out from here and change from my bad ways.

This are just details, I can't really write much!
I am still living with my parents but in a seperate room and also my dad is an Elder in church and my mom is also the Women's leader of my church, they brought us up in the way of the Lord but I just decided to go wayward. I will be completing my degree this year (I'm in the university ). After this I will leave the house so that I can stop being a burden to them and disgracing them!
🛑There's nothing more that we at halal Muslim couple can tell you regarding this confession. You've all read it and you've all in one way or the other, gathered important points about the situation to educate yourself. Just to note; 

💞Always monitor who your child interacts with!
💞 Always give your child the freedom to express himself about what he has in mind.
💞Always monitor the kind of play your child plays.
💞Do not think it's child abuse by restricting your child from certain things; do that and monitor his ways! 
❣️Be your child's best friend! 
❣️Do not make your child grow with the mindset that anything he wants, he gets it; deny him at times even when you know it's important to him and that's teaching him self-discipline! 

🛑As a young lady growing up, know that; 
💞Beauty fades and what last is your character; don't be deceived by beauty! 
💛The way you live your life determines the condition you'll find yourself tomorrow.
🩵It's not by sleeping with different men that makes you a person; it only makes you a prostitute! 
🧡Don't befriend people who are too materialistic!
💙Lower your expectation to your family financial status. 
🤎No man will spend on you for free; your private part may suffer to pay back. So, don't think you're deceiving men by eating their money!
💛Don't loss focus on what your parent tells you, etc

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