‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (May ALLĀH be pleased with him) narrated that ALLĀH’s Messenger ﷺ said: “He has succeeded who embraced Islam, whose provision is sufficient, and whom ALLĀH has made content with what HE has given him.” {Muslim #1054}
Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahman as-Sa'di explained:
The Prophet mentions that whoever gathers these three qualities will have ‘falah’ (success). This term comprises of everything a person seeks and loves whilst being safe from everything disliked.
Falah is attained because these three matters combine the good of both religion and the dunya. If one is guided to Islam, the only acceptable religion to ALLĀH, has sufficient provision to suffice their needs, and is content with what ALLĀH has given them, then they have attained the good of this world and the next.
If they are not guided to Islam then their end result will be eternal wretchedness regardless of their current situation. If they are guided to Islam but are trialled with poverty that causes them to forget blessings or riches that leads to transgression then both are harmful and a great deficiency. If they have sufficient provisions but are not content with that then they are poor in the heart. How many are rich financially but poor in their hearts and how many are poor financially but their hearts are rich and happy due to how content they are?
{Bahjah Qulūb al-Abrār || Page 73}
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