Exploring the Ideological Similarities Between Jews and Shia
🔰 In Ibn Jarir Tabari's "Tarikh al-Umm wa al-Muluk," Shahristani's "Al-Milal wa al-Nihal," Ibn Hazm Andalusi's "Al-Fasl fi al-Milal wa al-Nihal," and Ibn Kathir Dimashqi's "Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah," it is clearly mentioned that the founder of Shi'ism, Abdullah bin Saba, was a Jew. However, since many Shia scholars and authoritative writers express disdain for Abdullah bin Saba, and some modern Shia writers have even declared him a fictional character, as if he never existed, it would be better to refer to the most respected book on Shia biographies, "Rijal al-Kashi," to avoid any accusations of bias or prejudice.
(ذکر بعض اہل العلم انّ عبد اﷲ بن سبا کان یھودیاً فاسلم ووالی علیاً علیہ السلام ، وکان یقول وھو علی یھود یتہ...)
(Rijal al-Kashi: p. 17, Bombay edition, 1317 AH, also: p. 71)
📌 In the same book "Rijal al-Kashi," several narrations from Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq are mentioned, confirming that the founder of Shi'ism, Abdullah bin Saba, and his companions were burned to death by the order of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) because they claimed divinity for him.
(Rijal al-Kashi: p. 70, Bombay edition, 1317 AH, also: p. 70)
The researcher and religious scholar Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Nagarami, in his book "Al-Shia fi al-Mizan," has discussed the ideological similarities between Jews and Rafidha (a term often used pejoratively for Shia). A summary of his findings is presented below:
1️⃣ Jews consider themselves the chosen people of Allah and claim that all non-Jews are "Goyim" (animals) created to serve them, and it is permissible to loot their wealth. Similarly, the Shia claim that they are the most superior and beloved servants of Allah because of their connection to the Ahl al-Bayt (the family of the Prophet). They refer to all others as "Nasibi" (enemies of their faith), whose wealth can be looted, and doing so is not only permissible but also a virtuous act.
2️⃣ Jews are known for their racial superiority and bigotry. They look down upon Arabs and all Muslims with contempt. The Shia also hold a similar view of Arabs. A modern Iranian writer, Mehdi Bazargan, expressed this Rafidhi perspective as follows: "Arabs have a harsh and rough nature. Their temperament is aggressive, and their thinking is shallow."
(Al-Hadd al-Fasil bayn al-Din wa al-Siyasa, Mehdi Bazargan, p. 68)
3️⃣ Wherever Jews settled, after some time, it was heard that they were "a nation within a nation." To maintain their exclusivity (based on racial superiority), they always created separate settlements, known as "ghettos." The industrial revolution in Europe, which was promoted by the Jews themselves, broke down the walls of the ghettos, but the Jews could not integrate into society. Their eyes were always set on their "Promised Land," and after the establishment of Israel, Jews worldwide came under the authority of the rulers of Tel Aviv.
The same is true for the Shia community. Wherever they live, they create ghettos like the Jews. In every city and town of the Indian subcontinent where Shias reside, you will find Shia ghettos. The "Qila Alia" in Lucknow is a clear example. Like the Jews, the loyalty of the Rafidha (Shia) is solely to Iran. No matter which country or nation they live in, they become a source of trouble because spreading destruction is part of their religion.
In this context, consider the provocative statement of Abu Ja'far al-Kulayni:
"From Abu Bakr to the present day, all Sunni rulers are usurpers and oppressors because the right to rule belongs only to the Shia Imams or those who believe in their Imamate. It is the duty of the Shia to continuously work to destroy all Sunni governments, for if they do not do so and live peacefully under Sunni rule, no matter how devout they may be, they will be deserving of divine punishment." (Usul al-Kafi, p. 206)
4️⃣ To maintain their dominance and power, Jews have always relied on sex. In the name of knowledge and culture, they spread such obscenity and immorality that the moral foundations of Eastern and Western societies were shaken. The German Jew Freud led this movement of immorality. He viewed everything through the lens of sex. This movement was further promoted by French intellectuals like Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Albert Camus, who gave rise to writers who normalized obscenity.
Similarly, the Shia have hollowed out society by legitimizing "Zina" (adultery) and "prostitution" under the guise of "Mut'ah" (temporary marriage), elevating it to the status of worship. From Kulayni to Khomeini, all Shia writers agree that one who is deprived of Mut'ah will be deprived of paradise. The contemporary "Ayatollah Khomeini" even encouraged Mut'ah with promiscuous and immoral women. (Tahrir al-Wasilah, Ayatollah Khomeini, Vol. 2, p. 390)
Like the Jews, the Shia have also provided all the means for lustful indulgence so that the youth of every nation and community fall into their trap and assist in fulfilling their impure intentions and goals.
5️⃣ The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" emphasize the necessity of controlling the media for maintaining power and its continuity. Throughout history, Jews have always dominated the media. After the industrial revolution in Europe, Jews took control of the media in Europe and America, which is no secret.
Similarly, the Shia community, like the Jews, has always gripped the media tightly. During various periods of Islamic caliphates, Shia individuals controlled the media and literature. For example, during Aurangzeb Alamgir's reign, the most successful prose writer and poet, Na'amatullah Khan, was a Rafidhi. According to Allama Shibli Nomani, the prominent poets and writers of that era were mostly Rafidhis, and the historian of Alamgir's era was a staunch Shia.
Shia intellectuals have also played a significant role in the initiation and development of Urdu literature. In fact, their contribution to our literary and intellectual life far exceeds their numerical proportion. From Ghalib to Professor Ehtesham Hussain, most of the prominent poets and writers have been Shia. The influence of Rafidhi ideology on our poetry and literature has given birth to "Karbala literature," whose contemporary representatives include Jan Nisar Akhtar and Iftikhar Arif, who are devoid of religious understanding.
The impact of Rafidhi ideology on our poetry and literature was so profound that even a devout Muslim like Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was influenced to write:
"The martyrdom of Husain is, in reality, the death of Yazid,
Islam is revived after every Karbala."
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