Revive the Sunnah – The Path to Success in Today’s World
"Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah, you have an excellent example for those who hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah often."
π (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:21)
In the fast-paced world we live in, where modern lifestyles have distanced us from the essence of our faith, it is crucial to hold tightly to the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ο·Ί). The Sunnah is not just a set of traditions; it is a source of guidance, blessings, and success in this life and the Hereafter.
π‘ Why is Reviving the Sunnah Important?
It brings us closer to Allah’s love and mercy. π (Surah Aal-e-Imran 3:31)
It strengthens our identity as Muslims in a world that tries to erase Islamic values.
It protects us from trials, misguidance, and spiritual emptiness.
It helps us attain Jannah (Paradise) and the intercession of the Prophet (ο·Ί).
Yet, many Sunnahs have been forgotten! Let us revive them, one Sunnah at a time.
πΏ Revive These Abandoned Sunnahs
π Daily Sunnahs to Follow:
1️⃣ Walking Barefoot – Strengthens the body and is a practice of the Prophet (ο·Ί). π (Ibn Majah 3767)
2️⃣ Eating with Three Fingers – A Sunnah filled with blessings. π (Muslim 2032)
3️⃣ Wiping Off Sleep from the Face – Awakening the heart for Fajr. π (Muslim 352)
4️⃣ Offering Two Rak’ahs of Repentance – A means of seeking Allah’s forgiveness. π (Tirmidhi 406)
5️⃣ Covering Utensils at Night – Protection from unseen harms. π (Muslim 2012)
π Sunnahs of Worship:
6️⃣ Using the Miswak – Purifies the mouth and pleases Allah. π (Bukhari 847, Muslim 252)
7️⃣ Seeking Permission Three Times Before Entering – Preserving modesty. π (Bukhari 6245, Muslim 2153)
8️⃣ Praying Two Rak’ahs When Leaving and Returning Home – Seeking Allah’s protection. π (Abu Dawood 2778)
9️⃣ Repeating the Adhan After the Mu'adhdhin – A source of intercession. π (Muslim 385)
π Saying Salam to Children – Teaching love and respect. π (Bukhari 6247)
π Sunnahs of Daily Life:
1️⃣1️⃣ Saying Takbir When Ascending, Tasbih When Descending π (Bukhari 2994)
1️⃣2️⃣ Greeting Both Known and Unknown People π (Bukhari 12, Muslim 39)
1️⃣3️⃣ Drinking Water in Three Sips and While Sitting π (Muslim 2028)
1️⃣4️⃣ Spitting Lightly Three Times to the Left When Distracted in Prayer π (Muslim 2203)
1️⃣5️⃣ Performing Wudu Before Sleeping π (Bukhari 247, Muslim 2710)
π Sunnahs with Great Rewards:
1️⃣6️⃣ Smiling at Your Muslim Brother – A charity! π (Tirmidhi 1956)
1️⃣7️⃣ Praying with Shoes On (in Open Areas) π (Abu Dawood 652)
1️⃣8️⃣ Not Criticizing Food – Accepting Allah’s blessings. π (Bukhari 5409, Muslim 2064)
1️⃣9️⃣ Making Dua After Adhan – A means to Jannah. π (Bukhari 614, Muslim 384)
2️⃣0️⃣ Reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas Before Sleeping π (Bukhari 5017)
π Sunnahs That Build a Strong Relationship with Allah:
2️⃣1️⃣ Praying Salat al-Ishraq (Duha Prayer) π (Muslim 748)
2️⃣2️⃣ Performing Wudu Before Ghusl π (Bukhari 248)
2️⃣3️⃣ Reciting the Supplication When Wearing New Clothes π (Abu Dawood 4020)
2️⃣4️⃣ Making Dua Upon Hearing a Rooster and Seeking Protection from a Donkey’s Bray π (Bukhari 3303, Muslim 2729)
2️⃣5️⃣ Reciting Adhkar After Every Prayer π (Muslim 595)
2️⃣6️⃣ Saying ‘Yarhamuk-Allah’ When Someone Sneezes π (Bukhari 6224)
π Sunnahs That Lead to a House in Jannah:
2️⃣7️⃣ Praying the 12 Sunnah Rak’ahs Daily – A guaranteed house in Jannah!
π (Tirmidhi 415, Muslim 728)
π Other Sunnahs to Revive:
2️⃣8️⃣ Praying Witr π (Muslim 736)
2️⃣9️⃣ Praying Two Rak’ahs Upon Entering the Masjid π (Muslim 714)
3️⃣0️⃣ Reciting This Supplication After a Gathering or Reading the Quran:
"Subhanak Allahumma wa bihamdik, ash-hadu an la ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk."
π (Abu Dawood 4859, Tirmidhi 3433)
π’ O Muslim Ummah! Wake Up and Revive the Sunnah!
π The Sunnah is our lost treasure! In times of darkness, the best way to protect our Iman (faith) is to follow the footsteps of Rasulullah (ο·Ί). The more Sunnahs we revive, the closer we get to Allah’s love, protection, and ultimate success.
⚡ Imagine entering Jannah because you practiced just one Sunnah!
π Don’t let the Sunnah fade away! Spread the message, practice these forgotten Sunnahs, and encourage others to follow them.
π¬ Which Sunnah will you start practicing today? Comment below!
π² Share this post and revive the Sunnah!
π "Whoever revives my Sunnah has loved me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise."
π (Tirmidhi 2678)
#ReviveTheSunnah #FollowTheProphet #LoveForRasulullah #IslamicReminder #SunnahLifestyle
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