Islamic knowledge in the light of Quran and Sunnah.Daily Hadith. Islamic question answer, Quran Tafseer, Dua, Ramadan reminders, Salah times, Hajj and Zakat Post. Frequently asked Islamic question answer, five pillars of islam and Fatawa from Manhaz Us Salaf.

Humble Yourself: Understanding the Struggles of Others

Recognizing the Hidden Struggles and Humbling Ourselves

If your feet have never touched the battlefield, then you know nothing about the fight.

You don’t know the traumas that people have lived through. The aches in the pit of their stomach that accompany them everywhere they go. The threads of passion and pain and guilt that are woven into their bodies.

You know nothing.

When you turn your nose up at someone who has committed a sin that you haven’t, know that if you had faced the same circumstances, temptations, or traumas as they have, you might have ended up a hundred times worse.

You proclaim judgment when you have no right to. You sneer at the choices of bruised and bloodied warriors on the battlefield while you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, untouched and unharmed.

Know that if you’ve been saved from a sin, it wasn’t you who saved yourself. It was The Most High who protected you. 

And then know, too, that the person you see as “so sinful” might deeply connect to God on a level you will never understand. 

Humble yourself. Take a seat. You know nothing.

Turning Stress into Strength with Allah’s Help

Managing Stress: Let Allah's Guidance Lead You to Peace

🎐 Stress can be your enemy or you can make stress your friend by learning to emotionally regulate, by learning to journal, by learning to brain dump, by learning to pause when upset or angry, by learning to be silent, by learning to decide peace is more important than being right, by going on a walk, taking a cold shower, hugging a loved one.

🎐 Instead of letting stress discourage you, you should let it motivate you to focus more on productive things, to focus on things that are in your control and to let go of things that aren't.

🎐 Please take better care of your mental health. Please take better care of your body. Please go easy on yourself. And when stress in your life gets overwhelming remember to knock at the door that is ALWAYS ANSWERED! *The door of Al Fattah.*

🎐 As long as you pray, you knock on the door of Al fattah. As long as you pray, you knock on the door of Allah. And whoever knocks at the door of Allah, He will open it for him."

- Ibn al-Qayyim رَحِمَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ [Al-Fawa'id, p.248]

Allah, Al Fattah will open a door you desperately thought never even had a key.

*"..And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent." {Surah At-Talaq 65: Verses 2 & 3}*


Say 'If Allah Wills' When Planning Future Actions

The Importance of Saying 'If Allah Wills' in Our Plans


ALLĀH says:

وَلَا تَقُولَنَّ لِشَيْءٍ إِنِّي فَاعِلٌ ذَلِكَ غَدًا إِلاَّ أَن يَشَاء اللَّهُ

And never say of anything, “I will definitely do that tomorrow,” without adding, “if ALLĀH wills!”

This prohibition is like others; although it was addressed to the Messenger (ﷺ) for a specific reason, it is also applicable to all accountable individuals. ALLĀH forbade the individual to say, concerning matters in the future, “I will definitely do that” without also mentioning the will of ALLĀH. This is so as to avoid falling into error, which is speaking of the unseen future without being certain as to whether he will do it or not, or whether it will happen or not. That is because failing to say “if ALLĀH wills” is attributing the action to the will of the individual, independently of ALLĀH, and that is not allowed, because the will is all ALLĀH’s.

وَمَا تَشَاۤءُونَ إِلَّاۤ أَن یَشَاۤءَ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِینَ
And you do not will except that ALLĀH wills - Lord of the worlds. {at-Takwīr: 29}

Moreover, mentioning the will of ALLĀH makes things easier, brings barakah (blessing) and is a means of seeking the help of one’s Lord.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

#Sadi #Kahf (18:24)

Abu Hurayrah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said:

Suleiman bin Dawud (peace be upon them both) said: "Tonight I will go round (i.e. have sexual relations with) one hundred women (my wives) everyone of whom will deliver a male child who will fight in ALLĀH'S Cause."

On that an Angel said to him, "Say: 'If ALLĀH will.' " But Solomon did not say it and forgot to say it. Then he had sexual relations with them but none of them delivered any child except for one who gave birth to a half-formed child.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "If Solomon had said: 'If ALLĀH will,' ALLĀH would have fulfilled his desire and that saying would have made him more hopeful."

{al-Bukhari #5242}

Finding Strength in Sabr and Trust in Allah

Embracing Sabr: Finding Peace Through Patience and Faith

Sometimes you swallow Sabr on your hardships, sometimes this sabr is for obeying the commandments of Allah, sometimes it is for controlling your nafs, whereas somewhere you need to be patient when someone hurts you brutally, and again you will be doing sabr when someone leaves you. 

This is a life-long process dear. You will never get a leave from Sabr. Daily you have to put in effort,daily you have to wait for relief. 

And in between we get mentally, emotionally, physically disturbed. Those suicidal thoughts , irritation, frustration and unsatisfied heart with unorganised mind full of tangle perspectives. 

You want shoulder to cry on. You want support to discuss. You want company to enjoy. And you want to get rid of all these daily dealings. Right?

But no one is there!. 
But we all know that like always this time too we will get relief from the Qur'an and Sunnah. 

Allah says in Surah Zumar:36

أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِكَافٍ عَبْدَهُ ۖ
Is not Allah sufficient for His Servant? 

It's such a profound aayat. 
Pause and reflect. 

Allah is sufficient for all of us for your every single tear,every single unbearable pain, every thing that you're suffering from. 

Ask Allāh azzawajal whatever you want to ask. 
Anything you want just grab the opportunity of Tahajjud.
I highly recommend you all to please pray Tahajjud and pour out your every single thought in Dua. 

May Allah reward all of us for our struggling and grant us a mountain of sabr and istiqamah. Aameen

The Poisonous Effects of Sin on the Heart

The Corrupting Impact of Sin on the Soul

Poisonous Sins

When there are many sins they leave a mark on the heart of the person who commits them, so he becomes one of the negligent.

As one of the salaf said, concerning the Ayah “Nay! But on their hearts is the Raan (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn” [83:14] – this means sin after sin. 

Sins are poison. They compromise the welfare of your heart and contaminate your soul. This is why Allah warned us against them and made the prohibited.

Every time you find yourself drawn to a sin, remember that you hurt no one but yourself!

- Sh. Moutasem al-Hameedy

Are You Following the Crowd? Seek to Be Among the Few

Are You Following the Crowd or the Path of the Few?

Are Yσu Fσllσwing The Crowd?

When 'Umar bin al-Khattāb l[رَضِّيْ اْلَّلهُ عَنْهُ]l was walking in the market, he passed by a man who was supplicating,

اللهم اجعلني من القليل اللهم اجعلني من القليل
“O Allāh, make me from the few! O Allāh make me from the few!” So ‘Umar said to him, “Where did you get this du`ā’ (supplication) from?” And the man said, “Allāh l[سُبَحاَنَهُ وَتَعاَلىَٰ]l in His Book says:
وَقَليلٌ مِن عِبادِيَ الشَّكورُ
‘And few of My servants are grateful.’ [Saba':13]”

So ‘Umar wept and admonished himself, “The people are more knowledgeable than you, O Umar! O Allāh make us from Your ‘few’ servants.”

Sometimes when you advise someone to leave a sin, they respond with “But everybody does it, it’s not just me!” But if you look for the words “most people” in the Qur’ān, you will find that most people - 
ولكن اكثرهم لا يعلمون
“And however most people do not know” [7:187];

ولكن أكثرهم لا يشكرون
- “and most people do not show gratitude” [2:243]; and

و لكن اكثر الناس لا يؤمنون 
"And most people do not believe" [11: 17].

And if you look for “most of them”, you will find:
وَأَنَّ أَكثَرَكُم فاسِقونَ 
- "defiantly disobedient" [5 :59];
و لكن أكثرهم يجهلون
- “ ignorant” [6:111]; and

بل أكثرهم لا يعلمون الحق فهم معرضون
- “turning away” [21:24].

So be of the “few”, whom Allāh says about them:

وَقَليلٌ مِن عِبادِيَ الشَّكورُ
- “And few of My servants are grateful.” [Saba':13]; and

وَما آمَنَ مَعَهُ إِلّا قَليلٌ
 - “But none had believed with him, except a few.” [11:40]

في جنات النعيم ثلة من الاولين و قليل من الآخرين
- “工n the Gardens of Bliss: many from the past and a few from later generations.” (Al-Wāqi'ah:12-14)

工bn Al-Qayyīm lُ[رَحِمَهُ اْلَّله]l Saι∂, “Go on the path of truth and do not feel lonely because there are few who take that path, and beware of the path of falsehood and do not be deceived by the vastness of the perishers.” 

[Kitāb al-Zuhd - Ahmad bin Hanbal; and Musannaf of Ibn 'Abī Shaybah].

May Allāh l[سُبَحاَنَهُ وَتَعاَلىَٰ]l make us of His few servants.

Understanding Allah’s Subtle Blessings: True Gifts Beyond Material Wealth

When Allah Loves You, His Blessings May Not Be Obvious

When Allah loves you, His blessings may not always appear as obvious or material. You might not find yourself with a high-powered job or prestigious degrees, but that doesn’t mean you’re not favored by Allah. The true blessings Allah gives are often deeper and more meaningful, shaping you into a better human being and helping you grow spiritually.

Allah’s Blessings Beyond the Material World

  1. Inner Peace and Clarity:
    Allah’s blessings often manifest in the form of peace of mind and a sound heart. While material gains can bring temporary satisfaction, it is only the tranquility from Allah that can give you long-lasting contentment. This is the true blessing of having Allah’s love in your life.

  2. Improved Sense of Self-Worth:
    Allah grants you a sense of self-worth and confidence that doesn’t rely on external validation. With this, you’ll find the strength to face challenges, pursue righteousness, and remain steadfast in your faith, no matter what life throws your way.

  3. Better Knowledge and Clarity:
    One of the greatest blessings Allah can grant is the clarity to understand your purpose and to gain knowledge of His teachings. This knowledge enriches your life and guides you toward the right path, keeping you aligned with His will.

  4. Opportunities to Help Others:
    Allah will also bless you with opportunities to make a positive impact on others. Whether through your words, actions, or time, these opportunities enable you to benefit others and strengthen your relationship with Allah.

  5. True Success in Submission to Him:
    Ultimately, the blessings of Allah lead to a stronger connection with Him. You may not always see the material fruits of this relationship, but the true success is in your submission to His will and living in harmony with His guidance.

Conclusion: Embrace Allah’s Blessings

Sometimes, Allah’s blessings are not as obvious as we expect, but they are the most valuable gifts we can receive. They mold us into better individuals, guiding us toward peace, wisdom, and meaningful actions. Recognize and appreciate the subtle blessings Allah gives you, for they are the true treasures in this world and the Hereafter.


Understanding Taqwa of Allah: True Obedience and Reverence

What is Taqwa of Allah and Its True Meaning?

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِۦ وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ 

English - Sahih International

O you who have believed, fear Allāh as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him].

English - Tafsir ibn kathir
Allah says, 
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ امَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ 
O you who believe! Have Taqwa of Allah as is His due,
Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Abdullah bin Masud commented on the Ayah,  
اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ 
 (Have Taqwa of Allah as is His due),
"That He is obeyed and not defied, remembered and not forgotten and appreciated and not unappreciated."
This has an authentic chain of narration to Abdullah bin Masud.
Al-Hakim collected this Hadith in his Mustadrak, from Ibn Masud, who related it to the Prophet.
Al-Hakim said, "It is authentic according to the criteria of the Two Sheikhs (Al-Bukhari and Muslim), and they did not record it."
This is what he said, but it appears that it is only a statement of Abdullah bin Mas`ud, and Allah knows best.
It was also reported that Anas said,
"The servant will not have Taqwa of Allah as is His due until he keeps his tongue idle."

[Aal-e-Imran 3:102]

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