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Ramadan Common asked questions answer Part 1 by Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem

Ramadan Common asked questions answer Part 1 by Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem

Ramadan common asked question answer related to Fasting,Iftar Suhoor, Lailatul Qadr etc


I really want to sit in itikaf this

ramadan but my period s date is in the

last ashra can i take pills that delay periods and sit in itikaf?


No problem if it's approved by your

doctor though I wouldn't recommend

it as it causes a lot of disturbance in

the menses and many women take

them yet still suffer from menses

during the period they want it to stop!


In ramadan when i break my fast

i eat with my whole family so can

i just miss maghrib in the mosque

and pray at home because it will

be hard?


No. Simply break your fast with a

date or something quick, pray in

the masjid and then come back

and have the proper meal.


Sheikh, if someone mistakenly

consumed a shawarma with extra

tahini, a slice of apple and 3 litres

of water, should he continue

fasting or should he consider it's

Allah, Who has fed him?


If while eating and drinking all this

he didn't realise he was fasting, his

fast is valid and it's a gift from



In Ramadan I pray taraweeh in a masjid

where they conclude the taraweeh with witr I

also wake up 1 hour before fajr to pray

tahajjud salah And I know there is no 2 witr

in one night So when should I pray the witr?

Can I pray witr after taraweeh and sleep;and

then wake up for tahajjud and pray tahajjud

Or should I just pray taraweeh in the masjid

and leave the masjid when witr salah is going



Pray the witr with the imam in the masjid

and pray tahajjud after getting up without

repeating the witr.


Husband missed 3 fastings due to corona

last year but he forgot to complete it after

Ramadan. Now he remembers he had to

complete 3 fastings. Can he fast 3 or 4

days before Ramadan? Or can he

complete it after the end of this



He can fast even a day before Ramadan

because these are mandatory missed

fasts.If due to any reason he's unable to

do that then he must fast after this



Can i cook food for husband who

doesnt fast during ramadan? If i

dont cook i fear he may refuse to

go to work and fight.


No, you must not facilitate or

collaborate in his sin if he does

not have a legitimate reason to

not fast.


About Taraweeh at Time square - Do you have

any comments on it, Sheikh?


Each country has its own situation and

circumstances. We must weigh the pros and cons

of every action and measure the impact on non

Muslims to see whether it is appropriate or not!

Muslims have their own masjids and should pray

there and not pray in the middle of the market

place like this and hinder people's traffic and

cause any discomfort. Some of the comments of

one of the promoters were alarming when he said

in his interview that we must stop all disunity

between Judaism, Christianity and Islam! This is

extremely alarming and unislamic and it shows

the amount of knowledge such people have.


Shaikh, I am from Bangladesh, a group of

people collect zakat money and buy iftar

items through this money and give these

iftar items to poor fasting muslims. Can I

give my zakat money to this group? Is it

permissible the way they spend the zakat



Zakat should be given in cash to poor and

needy Muslims in their and they will do as

they wish with it. If the poor authorize him

to buy food items with the zakat money for

them then only it becomes permissible.


When i was making wudu i

accidentally swallowed a

little bit of water does this

invalidate my fast?


If that was not intentional

then your fast is valid.


What are rulings for the person who

missed suhoor due to not waking up

at time of suhoor and he wakes up

with Adhaan of Fajr? Will his fasting

be valid if he starts his fasting by

listing the Adhaan of Fajr without

taking suhoor?


Suhoor does not impact the validityy

of fasting. However taking suhoor is

from the sunnah.


Can I fast if I am having a minor surgery

to remove my wisdom tooth? I will be

getting injection to numb my gum and I

may bleed a lot. Will my fast be broken?


You can fast on the day of your surgery

(providing your doctors approve of this)

as injections won't effect your fast as

long as you don't swallow anything. If

they give you glucose or anything to give

you energy through intra veinous drips,

this will break your fast.


During ramadhan after praying

teraweh i pray 3 rakaat of witir, then

when to bed and woke up for sahur.

My question is can i pray tahajud or

any other voluntary prayer even

though i pray witir already after



No problem in praying Tahajud after

sleeping. You must not repeat the



How do one know that he

get Layaltul Qadr only there

in odd nights?


No one comes to know,

hence one needs to do

worship in all the last ten

nights of Ramadan.


Related Posts:


  1. Great work
    Please continue it

  2. Zazakallah

  3. really want to sit in itikaf this

    ramadan but my period s date is in the

    last ashra can i take pills that delay periods and sit in itikaf?

    Hame Hindi me Bata Sakte Hai


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