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How many witnesses are sufficient to establish the beginning and end of the month of Ramadaan

How many witnesses are sufficient to establish the beginning and end of the month of Ramadaan

How many witnesses are sufficient to establish the beginning and end of the month of Ramadaan? What is the ruling on the one who, on his own, sights the new moon for the beginning and end of the month?

The end of the month is established by the testimony of two trustworthy witnesses or more. According to the correct scholastic opinion, one trustworthy witness is sufficient in establishing the beginning of the month. This is based on that which has been authenticated from the Prophet (ﷺ) where he said:

_“If two witnesses testify that they have sighted the moon, then start your fast (the beginning of the month) and break it (the end of the month).”_
(Musnad Aḥmad, 4/231; An-Nasāī, 2116 reported by 'Abdur-Raḥmān bin Zayd bin al-Khaṭāb, رضي الله عنه)

It is established that the Messenger (ﷺ) ordered the people to fast based on the testimony of ibn 'Umar (رضي الله عنه) and likewise the testimony of a bedouin, and he (ﷺ) did not request an additional witness in both instances. Therefore, one witness is sufficient to confirm the beginning of the month.

This is the position of the majority of scholars based on the narration of ibn 'Umar (رضي الله عنه):

_“...The people were trying to sight the new moon (of Ramadaan) and when I reported to the Messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) that I had seen it, he fasted and commanded the people to fast.”_
(Abi Dawũd, 2343...)

So, if the new moon is sighted for Ramadaan by a trustworthy witness, fasting is then obligatory upon all.

As for establishing the end of the month, then it has to be sighted by two trustworthy witnesses. This also applies to the remaining months. This is due to the authenticated statement of the Prophet (ﷺ):

_“If two (Muslim) witnesses testify that they have sighted the moon, then start your fast (the beginning of the month) and break it (the end of the month).”_
(Musnad Aḥmad, 4/231; An-Nasāī, 2116 reported by 'Abdur-Raḥmān bin Zayd bin al-Khaṭāb, رضي الله عنه)

That which is intended here is that the testimony of two witnesses to confirm the end of the month is necessary. This applies to all the months.

The wisdom behind these rulings—and Allaah (ﷻ) knows best—is precautionary (to make sure of the sightings) as the scholars have mentioned.

So, if someone individually sights the moon signalling the end of Ramadaan, then he should continue fasting with the people and break when the people break. This is the correct opinion which is based on the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ):

_“The fast is the day in which the people fast, the ending of the fast is the day the people end their fast, and the sacrifice is the day the people sacrifice.”_
(Tirmidhī, 697: Ḥasan (sound) narration Tirmidhī, al-Albānī in Silsilah As-Ṣaḥiḥah, 223)

Some scholars hold that the single witness should act according to his sighting, and fast. This opinion is based upon the statement of Allaah, the Most High:

*فَمَن شَهِدَ مِنكُمُ ٱلشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ*

“So, whoever sights the (new) moon, then he must begin to fast”
(Al Baqarah, 2:185)

However, the correct stance is that it is impermissible for him to fast or end his fast for the month with his sighting of the moon alone. This is (also) the position of Shaykh al-Islām ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله)—Majmũ' al-Fatāwā, 25/108-109.

However, if he lives alone in the wilderness, he should fast according to his sighting of the moon, and Allaah knows best.
#Ramadan #QA #Witness

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