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Hindu beliefs about islam | Hindutva agenda against islam

Hindu beliefs about islam | Hindutva agenda against islam


Some excerpts taken from the video of Dr. Abū Zayd Al-Maqrī al-Idrisī in which he discusses some beliefs of Hindutvas written in the book "Mutāmi' al-hindūs fī bilād al-muslimeēn" by Professor Alif al-Dīn al-Turabī (May Allah have mercy upon him).

🚩 Each summer millions of Children, young men and women in India are trained in the camps organized by Hindutvas. They are trained on a map of "The Hindu Empire" which extends from Western Egypt to Western China and from Aram (Russia) to Mali.

🚩 Hindutvas claim that the God Rama was ruling this land and the Muslims usurped it from them.

🚩 They claim that the Ka'ba is actually the house of God Rama, which has been stolen by the Muslims and it's colour was changed to black after it was Red.

🚩 They claim that the Muslims stole the belief of worshipping God Rama and attributed it to Allah.

🚩 They claim that the Muslims stole the act of Tawāf ( Muslims encircling the Holy Ka'ba seven times in an anti-clockwise direction as part of Umrah or Hajj) because they also encircle their idols.

🚩 They claim that the Muslims changed the colour of Ihrām (male pilgrims wearing two lengths of white cloth whilst on Hajj) to White instead of Red.


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