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What is the ruling on wearing necklaces as some men do | Islamic question answer

The Ruling on a Man Wearing a Necklace

What is the ruling on wearing necklaces as some men do?Answer:

Wearing a necklace for adornment is unlawful because it is a practice that is specific to women. So men are imitating women when they wear a chain and the Prophet (sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam) cursed men who imitate women. It becomes an even greater sin and more unlawful if that chain is made from gold, because then it is unlawful in two ways. It becomes an even greater sin if the pendant is inscribed with a picture of a human, an animal, or a bird. Worse, much worse if it is inscribed with a cross or is in the shape of a cross. The last two cases — a picture of a human or an animal and in the shape of a cross — are unlawful for man and woman alike. And Allaah knows best.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-
UthaymeenFatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7, Page 399, DARUSSALAM

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