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Carry your broken heart to Al Jabbar | names of Allah

Carry your broken heart to Al Jabbar | names of Allah

Heal your broken 💔 heart

Carry your broken heart to the prayer mat in the secrecy of the last third of the night, and reveal it to the One who comforts and mends broken hearts. يا جبّار

Ya Jabbar!! 

Some of the great scholars would supplicate “Ya Jaabir kul kaseer” when they were faced with overwhelming difficulty, meaning “Oh You who mends everything that is broken.” 

The Arabic word for a splint that is used to help an arm heal when it is broken is “jibeera” from the same root ja-ba-ra. Thus, when we feel broken, we need to go to the only One who can mend our state–Al-Jabbar. 

Allah has named Himself al-Jabbar and given Himself this attribute; you cannot go to the One whose attribute is mending what is broken, and not be healed by Him.


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