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Son of Umr ibn Abd Al- Aziz purchased a ring

Son of Umr ibn Abd Al- Aziz purchased a ring

Golden Islamic manners

News reached Umar ibn 'Abd Al-Azīz (رحمه الله) that his son purchased a ring for 1000 dirham, so he wrote to him: 

"I've been informed you bought a ring for 1000 dirham. Sell it and use the money to feed 1000 hungry people, and buy a ring made of iron for 1 dirham; inscribe it with the words:

❝ May Allāh have Mercy on a person who knows his own worth.❞

~ تفسير القرطبي

Ibrahīm ibn Shaybān (رحمه الله) (d.330H) said:

"Nobility is found in humility, honour in taqwah, and liberation is found in being content."

2/314 مدارج السالكين فصل منزلة


#Taqwa #Manners #IslamicHistory


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