Weak and fabricated ahadīth which are widely spread regarding Ramadan and its virtues
● Upon the authority of Abu Huraira – Radhiyallahu anhu who said that the Messenger of Allah – Sallallahu alaihi Wa Salam said:
“The beginning of Ramadhaan is mercy, its middle is forgiveness, and its end sees (the) freedom (of individuals) from the fire”
Ruling: Dha’eef Jiddan (Very weak)
(Collected by Ibn Abi Dunya in ‘Fadhaa’ilu shahri Ramadhaan’ (37), and declared ‘Dha’eef Jiddan by Shaikh AlAlbaani in ‘Ad dha’eefah’ (4/1569))
●Upon the authority of Anas Ibn Maalik who said:
When (the month of) Rajab would enter (upon us) he (the prophet – Sallallahu Alaihi Was Salam) used to say:
“Allahumma Baarik lanaa fee Rajabin Wa Sha’baan wa Balighnaa Ramadhaan (Oh Allah bless us in Rajab and sha’baan and bring us to Ramadhaan)”
Ruling: Dha’eef (Weak)
(Collected by Ibn Abi Dunya in ‘Fadhaa’ilu Shahri Ramadhaan (1) and Ibn Asaakir and declared ‘Dha’eef’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in Dha’eeful Jaami’ (4395))
● Upon the authority Abdullah Ibn Abi Aufaa who said that the Messenger – Sallallahu alaihi Was Salam said:
“The sleep of the fasting person is worship, and his silence is tasbeeh (glorifying Allah) and his actions are multiplied, his supplications are answered and his sins are forgiven”
Ruling: Maudoo’ (Fabricated)
(Collected by Al Khalaal in ‘Al Amaali’ (46) and declared ‘Dha’eef’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in ‘Dha’eef Al Jaami’ (5972)) and ‘Maudoo’ in ‘Dha’eefah (4696))
● Upon the authority of Abu Huraira who said that the Messenger – Sallallahu alaihi wa Salam who said:
“Fast!, and become healthy”
Ruling: Dha’eef (Weak)
(Collected by Ibn Sunni and Abu Nu’aym and declared ‘Dha’eef’ by Sh Al Albaani in Dha’eeful Jaami’ (3504))
● Upon the authority of Bilal ibnil Haarith who said that the Messenger of Allah – Sallallahu alaihi was Salam who said
“Ramadhaan in Madeenah is better than Ramadhaan in any other place”
Ruling: Baatil (False hadeeth)
(Collected by At Tabaraani 1/111/2 and Ibn Asaakir 8/510/2 and declared ‘Baatil’ by Sh Naasir in ‘Ad Dha’eefah (831))
● Upon the authority Anas Ibn Maalik – Radhiyallahu anhu who said the Messenger – Sallallahu alaihi Was Salam said:
“Indeed Allah revealed to his angels who record the deeds of the servants, do not record any of the evil deeds of my fasting servants after Asr”
Ruling: Baatil (False hadeeth)
(Collected by Al Khateeb Al Baghdaadi in ‘At Taareekh’ (6/124) and declared ‘Baatil’ by Imaamud daaraqtni and Sh Al Albaani in ‘Ad Dha’eefah (6580))
● Upon the authority Abu Huraira who said the Messenger – Sallallahu alaihi was Salam:
“Everything has its zakaat, and the zakaat of the body is fasting, for fasting is half of patience”
Ruling: Dha’eef (Weak)
(Collected by Ibn Maajah (1745) and declared ‘Dha’eef’ by Sha Al Albaani in ‘Dha’eef At Targheeb 579))
#Ramadan #Hadith #Fabricated
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