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Many people are pushed away from Islam due to the character of Muslims

Many people are pushed away from Islam due to the character of Muslims

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A new muslim youngster, who accepted Islam a few days ago alḥamdulillāh, approached me yesterday quite worried. He said there were a group of young men who told him he wasn’t a ‘proper’ Muslim because he didn’t celebrate mawlid and thus he was a ‘wobbler’. 

He then told me he was on the verge of being pushed away from Islam due to their arrogant and volatile behaviour - and Allāh’s refuge is sought.

This is utterly unacceptable and disgusting behaviour. The last thing a new Muslim needs is a sectarian discourse being pushed down their throat. 

If you believe you and your few buddies are the only ‘Sunnis’ who are entering Jannah then you should worry about your īmān first - and this applies to individuals of all groups. 

One will be surprised how many people are pushed away from Islam due to the character of Muslims. We sometimes boast about how many people accept Islam, but have we ever asked ourselves how many people are being pushed away from Islam due to our behaviour?

May Allāh have mercy upon our situation. Āmīn.

Yasir Al Hanafi

#Sects #Islam #NewMuslim #MuslimSociety


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