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Tawheed Can be forgotten, Yes forgotten

Tawheed Can be forgotten, Yes forgotten

Tawheed Reminder:

Shaykh Sālih Āle ash-Shaykh [may Allāh preserve him] said:

“Tawheed can be forgotten, yes forgotten! We have witnessed it with our own eyes! People have studied Tawheed; twenty, thirty years later they have forgotten it's principles. [What leads to this?] They begin to dispute about issues and rulings concerning shirk, innovations and it's like. Yes, it can be forgotten [therefore take heed!], due to this a person needs to frequently revise and repeat this subject. Therefore make sure you adhere; remain close and persistent in remembering the principles of the explanation of the belief of The People of the Sunnah and the United Islamic Community (Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah) and the Methodology of the Pious Predecessors and Successors...  and general books pertaining to The Islamic Creed, The Tenets of Faith.”

Muhādara: Ta’seel al-Aqeedat Himāyatu min al-Akhtār al-Haddāma

Translation: Authentic Quotes

#Tawheed #Shirk #IslamicKnowledge


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