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Tawhid is a protection | Imam Ibn Al Qayyim


(Ibn al-Qayyim Rahimahullaah said): 

❛Nothing repels the difficulties of the dunyā the way al-Tawḥīd does❜ 
فما دُفعت شدائد الدنيا بمثل التوحيد،

And for that reason the duʿāʾ to be made upon difficulties has al-Tawḥīd,
ولذلك كان دعاء الكرب بالتوحيد،

And the duʿāʾ of Yūnus (ʿalayhi al-salām)- the duʿāʾ which no one in difficulty makes except that Allāh relieves him of his difficulty - contains tawḥīd.
ودعوة ذي النون التي ما دعا بها مكروب إلا فرَّج الله كربه بالتوحيد،

And nothing casts a person into the greatest of difficulties the way al-shirk does;
فلا يُلقي في الكرب العظام إلا الشرك،

And nothing saves one from it except al-Tawḥīd.
ولا ينجِّي منها إلا التوحيد,

For it (ie: al-Tawḥīd) is protection and refuge of the creation, their fortification and greatest source of help.”
فهو مفزَع الخليقة وملجؤها وحصنها وغياثها.

Shaykh ʿAbd al-Razzāq b. ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-Badr Hafidhahumullaah

#TAWHEED #TreasureofKnowledge

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