Why did the dog stretch his arms in Surat Al-Kahf and did not turn?
One of the German medical scholars said, "I was traveling one day and I met a young man at the airport who presented me with a translated copy of the Holy Qur’an. I thanked him and put the copy in my pocket with the intention of throwing it in the trash (A3oudhu billah) after the young man was out of my sight so as not to embarrass him."
The doctor forgot the copy in his pocket and boarded the plane. And because of the length of the journey and the boredom that permeates it, he said, "I took out a copy of the Qur’an from my pocket when I felt its presence, then I opened it and turned the pages, so my eyes fell on Surat al-Kahf, and I read. Then two verses stopped me, they are God's saying, Glory be to Him that means,
<<And you see the sun, when it rises, it turns away from their cave to the right, and when it sets, it turns towards them to the left, while they are in a gap thereof...>>
And the verse that means, <<And you think they are awake while they are lying down, and we turn them to the right and to the left, and their dog stretches out its forearms with a catch...>>
The doctor says that turning them over while they are sleeping is understandable in order that their bodies do not sore if they remain asleep in one position, but what surprised the doctor what he said In the verse preceding it <<and you see the sun, when it rises, it turns away from their cave to the right, and when it sets it turns towards them to the left>>, meaning that the sun enters the cave every day, but it does not come directly on their bodies, and he says that this is known in medical science, in order not to get bed sores, it must be a ventilated room and the sun enters it without it being directly on the body.
Then the doctor went back to thinking about the next verse where he says that really, in order for ulcers not to occur, the lying person must be turned over so that the body does not fester and rot and be eaten by the earth, but what amazed the doctor was that their dog was not turning over like them, but rather spreading its arms in one position for 309 years, his body did not ulcerate or rot.
This prompted the German doctor to study the physiology of dogs, and what amazed him was that he found that dogs have unique glands under their skin that secrete a substance that prevents skin ulceration as long as there is life in the dog’s body even if they do not move and turned right and left like the humans in the cave.
This doctor became Muslim because of this miraculous matter.
What amazed me, dear reader, is that the German doctor, from his first reading of this Surah, was stopped by miraculous things and he did not just read without contemplation, as many Muslims do.
God Almighty has commanded us to worship Him Properly through proper religious knowledge and to reflect on the Qur’an.
If you read, send it to others so that they can benefit too.
This is a blessed book so you should definitely contemplate over the verses.
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